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Ms. Uralsk-2013 — the champion of Kazakhstan on judo

Thursday, 21 November 2013, 09:49
Ms. Uralsk-2013 — the champion of Kazakhstan on judo

The final stage of regional competition of Ms. Uralsk-2013 passed on November 20 in the Kazakh drama theater.

For a title of the most beautiful girl of the city 12 pretenders of 15 years fought and are more senior. Two-hour action slightly was late as in the same day on a scene of theater passed celebration of veterans of regional newspapers of the city.
- It is necessary to wait a little — participants of competition complained. — But the main thing now — to be adjusted on a positive and that nerves didn't hand over.
Girls considerably worried. Especially it was noticeable at the beginning of show. Jury as a part of which this year I was ичемпион the world on boxing of Galib DZhAFAROV, asked to each participant questions. Girls were lost and didn't know what to answer. The most resourceful became Makhabbat TAKIShEVA. The girl admitted that adores to go in for sports. Especially supports the athletes who are engaged in boxing.
By the way, in 2010 Makhabbat won a title of the champion of Kazakhstan on judo.
Further girls showed, on what are capable. They sang songs, danced. Four pretenders weren't afraid at all and sang the song of  group "VIA Gra" . Display of an evening dress was final.
As a result a title "Ms. Uralsk-2013 ″ got  Makhkhabat TAKIShEVOY. She is 22 years old, she works in Eurasian Bank.
First vice-Ms. сталаСветлана MILYuKOVA. The second vice-Ms. — Asel ABDULOVa. Title of the third vice-Ms. got Saula ADILBAEVa, the fourth vice-Ms. — Moldir SAGINAY.


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