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Composition of the Paralympic national team on the championship of Europe

Wednesday, 20 November 2013, 08:05
Composition of the Paralympic national team on the championship of Europe

The continental superiority will take place on December 3-6 in Eger (Hungary)

With such composition which the trainer's staff declared on the European championship, it is possible to expect an all-command victory safely! You judge: under the flag of Ukraine champions Paralympic Games-2012 David Horava, Dmitry Slovey and Alexander Kosinov, and also bronze prize-winners Julia Galinskaya and Natalia Nikolaychik will appear.
Let's remind that on Paralympic Games in London the representative of our sport, namely David Horava, brought to Ukraine the first gold medal! As a result, our country with record quantity of awards in an asset took a high fourth all-command place.
Composition of the Paralympic national team of Ukraine on judo on the European championship:
60 kg - Butenko Andrey (Kharkov)
66 kg - Horava David (Equal Dnepropetrovsk)
73 kg - Solovey Dmitry (Kiev)
73 kg - Kotenko Sergey (Kiev)
81 kg - Kosinov Alexander (Rovno)
90 kg - Nazarenko Alexander (Rovno- Dnepropetrovsk)
90 kg - Tropinov Edward (Donetsk)
100 kg - Pomipov Alexander (Rovno
48 kg - Galinsk Julia (Rovno)
48 kg - Zaytseva Elena (Khmelnytsky)
52 kg - Nikolaychik Natalia (Rovno)
57 kg - Chernyak Inna (Zaporozhye)
High trainer: Romankevich M. Ya. (Rovno)
Judge: Gritsunyak A. I. (Lutsk)


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