The deputy of the Knesset from a batch of "Esh Atid", the former judoist Konstantin (Yoel) of Deliveries nowadays holding a post of the chairman of the commission on is more scarlet also than absorption, reports in "Facebook" about execution of the election pledges this to "friends athletes".
Deliveries informs that Limor Livnat secured with a consent of the Minister of Culture and sports to accept his program of development of the Olympic sports in Israel and to select 150 million shekels for "improving of basic conditions for teenage athletes and reduction in cost of sporting circles for children".
According to the chairman of the commission on absorption is more scarlet also, his program will help to develop the Olympic sports and to reveal talented athletes "by means of reduction in cost of sporting sections for children of representatives of middle class".
According to Ynet, the Minister of Culture and sports Limor Livnat at the request of Razvozov agreed to increase annual financing of the Olympic sports on 30 million shekels and promises to increase in the future this amount for 10 million shekels.
Razvozov's plan provides priority financing of those sports in which the Israeli athletes showed high achievements — judo, sailing, float, etc.