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Totals of two days of the RK championship on judo

Monday, 18 November 2013, 09:53
Totals of two days of the RK championship on judo

Following the results of the first two days of the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on judo 12 strongest judoists of Kazakhstan of 2013 are already revealed, FDK press service reports.

Among men in weight category over 100 kg the status of the best in the weight were confirmed by Yerzhan Shynkeev (Karaganda region) who benefited in fight for the first place against the rival from Ruslan Abdrazakov's Kyzylordinsky area. The third place divided among themselves Saulet Abdusalikhov from YuKO and Dauren Nuralinov from VKO.

In weight category to 100 kg Maxim Rakov got an unconditional victory (Karaganda region) who has left in the ending of Adilkhan Kozybayev (Kyzylordinsky area). On the third places — Talgat Amrenov (VKO) and Olzhas Shynkeev (Karaganda region).

Is less predictable there was an ending in weight category to 90 kg as the leader of the weight category Islam Bozbayev who is recovered now after the wound put to it didn't participate in this championship. The first place was won by Timur Bolat from Astana, Aybol Aytbek from Zhambylsky area took the second place, Bekzat Murat (Almaty) and Maksat Isakabylov (Kyzylordinsky area) the third.

Recovered after a knee injury Aziz Kalmanula (Zhambylsky area) defended the right to be the best in weight category to 81 kg. To the second I became Adilet Misin (The Aktyubinsk area), the third — Yerzhan Abdulayev (Kyzylordinsky area) and Farkhad Ruzukulov (Almaty).

In unusual for themselves weight category to 73 kg two eminent judoists of Kazakhstan — Sergey Lim (Almaty) and Azamat Mukanov (ZKO) appeared directly. Sergey Lim, having conceded for an output in the ending to Dastan Ykybayev (VKO),took the fifth place, Azamat Mukanov who has met in the ending Dastan, the queue, gave a victory to Ykybayev. The third places took Ertugan Torenov (Zhambylsky area) and Erkebulan Kanafin (Karaganda region).

Having remained without the leaders, the weight category to 66 kg called some new names of adult Kazakhstan judo. The first place was taken by athlete Zhansay Smagulov (Karaganda region), in 2012 won first place in the Republic Championship among men and women till 23 years. The second place at Galymzhan Abdurakhmanov (Kyzylordinsky area), third (VKO) at Ilyas Izmagilov and Bakdaulet Sabitov (YuKO).

Among girls in weight category over 78 kg the pattern changed because of the absence of the leader of the female national team Gulzhan Isanova also a little. The first place was taken by Rosa Dukhturbayeva (Zhambylsky area), the second — Zarina Baybatina (Pavlodar region), the third places at Zarina Abdrasulova (YuKO) and Almagul Koshina (Pavlodar region).

Albina Amangeldiyeva (YuKO), in the ending left Anar Seytimova (The Aktyubinsk area) and taken the third places Aaliyah Zhilkibayeva (Astana) and Zarina Royfova (Almaty) became the best in weight category to 78 kg.

In weight category to 70 kg on the upper line of a podium the sportswoman from VKO Kalzhan Tayzhanova who has pressed on the second place an almatinka Zamzagul Fayzollanova settled down. The third place was separated by Dilbar Umiraliyev (Karaganda region) and Dinara Kudarova (Kyzylordinsky area).

Marian Urdabayeva (Almaty), the most beautiful sportswoman of Kazakhstan according to the Vesti.kz version, won first place in weight category to 63 kg. On the second place — an almatinka Zhanar Kashkyn, on the third — Anara Zhumabayev (VKO) and Akerka Myrzabek (Kyzylordinsky area).

In weight category to 57 kg of the first there was Nazgul Kubasheva (Atyrausky area), the second step Sevara Nishanbayev (YuKO) occupied, the third — Aygerim Abdilkadirova (Astana) and Ayzhan Bolat (Kyzylordinsky area).

Olesya Kutsenko (Mangistausky area) won first place in weight category to 52 kg, having benefited in the ending against Lenariya Mingazova (Zhambylsky area). The third places were separated by Asel Kaysarova (Almaty) and Aygunym Tuytekova (Almaty area).

to select the favourite region while early, however following the results of the first two days the bigger quantity of medals was collected by athletes from Kyzylordinsky (8), Karaganda (6) and the East Kazakhstan region (6).

Let's remind, the judo Championship of Kazakhstan among men and women takes place from November 15 to November 20 in Ust Kamenogorsk, about 650 athletes take part in competitions from all corners of the country.

Today in the New Palace of single combats in Ust Kamenogorsk the third and last day of personal competitions will take place. You can study the schedule below.

On November 18, Monday (the third day of competitions):

10:00 — the beginning of competitions (the man −60 kg, ABS; women −48 kg, ABS).

17:30-18:00 — lot of the Cup of Kazakhstan (team competitions).

19:00-20:00 — official weighing of commands (the man −66 kg, −73 kg, −81 kg, −90 kg, +90 kg; women −52 kg, −57 kg, −63 kg, −70 kg, +70 kg).

On November 19, Tuesday (team competitions):

10:00 — the beginning of competitions (the man −66 kg, −73 kg, −81 kg, −90 kg, +90 kg; women −52 kg, −57 kg, −63 kg, −70 kg, +70 kg).

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