Athletes, whose age doesn't exceed 23 years, in the middle of November will play in Bulgaria awards last this year the personal European championship.
On November 15, 16 and 17 in the small town Samokov that in 60 km from the capital – Sofia, there will take place competitions of youth Superiority of Europe. The Russian national team carried by Vyacheslav Shishkin (juniors) and Lyubov Bruletova (girl) arrived on November 13 to Bulgaria in the maximum composition – 18 people (9+9).
The steady association "Bulgaria — Gold Dust, the Sea, a Beach, Rest", this time doesn't take a place to be. From the airport the bus with athletes moved on the picturesque road with trees in the yellow foliage curling along blue reservoirs on a serpentine of mountains and allowing kind two hours of a way to admire neighborhoods of Sofia. And though in the capital temperature nearly +13 With, in Samokov, to be exact near Samokov – in 10 km from the city, in the foothills Rila Planina, in a popular ski resort where participants of Superiority took place, both temperature is lower, and mountains are hidden in an impenetrable fog, and is cool it is drizzling. Nevertheless, clean air, friendly locals, in the majority understanding Russian, numerous inexpensive cafes and the beautiful nature around – not the worst conditions for life and trainings. And in the next five days young European judoists will be in them.
Despite Samokov's small popularity in the political plan, it could be marked in the sporting relation – three years ago on a tatami of local "Arena" the junior Superiority of Europe (till 20 years) took place where the Russian national team, having won on three awards of each advantage, became the winner of a team competition. It is remarkable that in it November as a part of the youth national team for awards of Euro-2013 the Bulgarian medals Euro-2010 "gold" having in the collections Jakub Shamilov, "silver" Shamil Magomedov both "bronze" Aram Grigoryan and Ekaterina Valkova, and also Alyona Prokopenko who has remained last time a heel will fight. For last three years only two from them saved weight category – Valkova (63) and Magomedov (100). Grigoryan stepped in the following weight – 60 kg, Shamilov transferred 66 kg in category, and Prokopenko, on the contrary, dropped superfluous and appears now in a smaller weight – 70 kg.
So, as a part of Russian national team in Samokov on two athletes will be in two man's categories - 60 and 66 kg, and in three female – 48, 63 and 70 kg. On a tatami of "Arena" of Samokov during a November weekend will quit
48 kg- the champion of Russia and Europe among juniors-2011, the prize-winner of junior superiority of the country-2013 of Evgenia DEMINTsEVA and the medallist of four Russian youth championships, the prize-winner and winner Kubkov of Europe-2013 Maria PERSIDSKAIA.
52 kg– the medallist of Superiority of Russia-2013 (till 23 years), the winner and prize-winner Kubkov of Europe of this year Antonina TOVSTETsKAYa.
57 kg– the champion of Russia among juniors-2011 and youth 2012 and 2013, winner Kubkov of Europe-2013 in Orenburg and Boras Anastasia POLIKARPOVA.
63 kg– the double champion of the country among sportswomen till 23 years (2009 and 2013), the medallist of the adult championship of Russia-2008, the prize-winner of junior Superiority of Europe-2009 and continental Cups Pari SURAKATOVA and the owner of bronze of junior Euro-2010, the championship of Russia-2013, youth Superiority of the country-2012 and "Grand Slam"-2012 in Moscow Ekaterina VALKOVA.
70 kg– the prize-winner of the adult (2012) and the youth (2013) championships of Russia, the medallist of the Cup of Europe-2013 Olga ARTOShINA and the prize-winner of junior and youth Superiority of Europe-2011, the double champion of the country among youth, the winner of three Cups of Europe-2013 Alyona PROKOPENKO.
Over 78 kg – the prize-winner of Superiority of Russia-2011 (till 20 years), winner of Cups of Europe-2013 Aydana NAGOROVA
60 kg– the prize-winner of youth national championships 2012 and 2013, and also the Cup of Russia-2012, winner Kubkov of Europe-2013 Albert OGUZOV and the champion of Europe-2012 (till 23 years), the prize-winner of junior Superiority of the continent 2010 and 2011, the owner of awards of Cups of Europe, the world and Gran-pri-2013 Aram GRIGORYAN.
66 kg– the medallist of the adult Championship of Russia-2010, the prize-winner of youth Superiority 2010, 2012 and 2013, the winner of the Cup of Europe-2013 Arsene of TOLASOV and the champion of Europe-2010 among juniors, the champion of Russia-2011 among men, the winner of the Cup of Europe-2013, the prize-winner of University games-2013 and Gran-pri-2013 Yakub ShAMILOV.
73 kg– the vice-champion of youth Superiority of the country-2013, prize-winner Kubkov of Europe-2013 Felix GALUAEV.
81 kg– the champion of Europe-2011 among juniors, the winner of the Russian Superiority-2013 to 21 and till 23 years, the medallist of the first Youthful Olympic Games-2010, the winner of two Cups of Europe of this year and Gran-pri-2013 Hasan HALMURZAEV.
90 kg– the vice-champion of the world-2011 among juniors, the double winner of Superiority of Europe till 20 years, the champion of Russia-2013 to 21 and till 23 years, the medallist of the Cup of Europe-2013 and Gran-pri-2013 Hussein HALMURZAEV.
100 kg– the champion of Europe-2010 among juniors, the winner of youth Superiority of the country-2013 and the Cup of Europe-2013, the medallist of the World Cup of this year Shamil MAGOMEDOV.
Over 100 kg – the winner (2013) and the prize-winner (2012) Superiority of Russia till 23 years, the owner of awards of three Cups of Europe-2013 Stepan SARGSYAN.
In the first day, Friday November 15, in Bulgaria medallists in five categories will be defined: 48, 52 and 57 kg at girls and 60 and 66 kg – at juniors. On Saturday awards in four weights will be played: 63 and 70 kg – at judoists and 73 and 81 kg – at judoists. Tournament on Sunday, November 17, competitions in heavy and superheavy categories will come to the end: 78 and over 78 kg at women, and 90, 100 and over 100 kg – at the strong half of mankind.
The beginning of competitions daily in the 10th mornings local time which lags behind from Moscow at two o'clock. The final unit with fight for awards will begin at 15.30.
Marina Mayorova, FDR