The president of Russia Vladimir Putin became the owner of a belt and the diploma about assignment to it honourable the 9th is this in the Korean traditional fighting single combat tkhekvondo
As transfers RIA Novosti news agency, the diploma and the honourable belt to it was handed over by the president of World federation tkhekvondo Choo Chkhon Vaughan.
"I don't think that such high deserved is this. Let's consider that this our general action connected to promoting of this remarkable single combat. We in Russia will try to make a powerful contribution to development of this single combat" — Putin told.
By words of Von, in a pattern only some people are awarded by an honourable belt of the 9th is this. Among them he called presidents and leaders of the USA, Indonesia, Honduras, Spain, Croatia and Pakistan.
"We well know that the president of Russia very much loves and actively is engaged in different forms of fighting single combats and other sports — Choo Chkhon Vaughan marked. — Therefore the command of the Russian tkhekvondist takes high line items in a pattern in this sport".
Tkhekvondo, according to him, practises in 205 countries of the world and in it are engaged from 70 to 80 million people.