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The world champion will appear on the Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi

Tuesday, 12 November 2013, 10:36
The world champion will appear on the Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi

The command of Azerbaijan on judo will take part on tournament of the Grand Prix which will take place on November 22-23 in Abu Dhabi.

As transfers azerisport.com, the composition of collective included bronze prize-winners of the World Cup Ilgar Mushkiyev, Orhan Safarov (both 60 kg), Nidzhat Shikhalizada, Tarlan Kerimov (both 66 kg), Rustam Orudzhev, Vugar Bayramov (both 73 kg), Tural Safguliyev (81 kg), Shain Gekhramanov (90 kg), world champion Elkhan Mamedov (100 kg), and also Vakhtangi Bitiyev and Ushangi Kokauri (both +100 kg). In female offset the command will be provided by Aisha Gurbanla (48 kg) and Kifayat Gasymova (57 kg).


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