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Head of KBR is thanked by Federation of judo of the country

Saturday, 09 November 2013, 10:33
Head of KBR is thanked by Federation of judo of the country

To Head of KBR the letter from the President of Federation of judo of Russia Vasily Anisimov and the head of the International fund of judo Arcady Rotenberg came. In it they congratulate Arsen Kanokov on successes of athletes from Kabardino-Balkaria.

Let's remind, the judoist from KBR Alim Gadanov won the next victory on the Grand Prix on judo among men and women which took place on October 30 to Tsingtao (China). The member of Russian national team on judo Alim Gadanov acting in weight category to 66 kg, won a gold medal, having overcome in the ending of the Mongolian judoist Tumurkhulega Davaadorzha.
"We congratulate you on success and we express gratitude for an active contribution to sports development in the region. We hope for further close cooperation in promoting of judo and involvement of children and youth to a healthy lifestyle", - it is spoken in the letter.


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