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The international tournament on judo "Our sources 2013"

Wednesday, 06 November 2013, 10:21
The international tournament on judo

On November 1 in Kobrinsky sports school I started the International tournament on judo among young men and girls "Our sources 2013". All participants of tournament, a judicial command, fans, and also representatives of region administration headed by the chairman of Kobrinsky RIK Alexander Zozuley gathered for solemn opening.

It is almost impossible to provide sporting life of the Kobrinsky region without tournament of young judoists "Our sources" already. Every year competitions grow, collecting an increasing number of young athletes, and not only from all corners of Belarus, but also from the neighboring countries. Judoists take part in tournament of 2013 from Russia, Ukraine, Latvia. The command was provided also by Kobrin.

It is possible not to doubt that for many of these boys of competition become a reference point of their sporting career. For certain among those who now takes the first shy steps on a tatami in the district of the Brest region, there are future stars of the Belarusian judo. The Our Sources tournament is of great importance for beginning judoists and is an important event in sporting life not only our city, but also area and the republic.

The idea of tournament consists in recalling art sources of "a flexible way" in our region, to recall as everything began, from here and such name — "Our sources". The name of the same name is worn also by the firm, one of sponsors of competitions. Her director, Sergey Omelyanchuk — the judoist in the past, the member of combined BSSR — played very important role in formation of these competitions. Besides, start is carried out to honor Igor Danilyuk's memory — the perspective young trainer which life tragicly broke because of accident. Parents its are invited every year to tournament.

Was initially decided to pay the main attention to those whom it is accepted to call tomorrow of a fine type of single combats. After all if attention isn't paid to reserve preparation, new stars of the Belarusian judo from where will undertake? Especially as about a national team at us is to a coma to take care.

It is clear, what not all children will find the road to big-time sports and become eminent athletes, thanks to this tournament, those who will select a dzyudoistsky path, becomes slightly more. And for remaining it will serve as the good school hardening character.

On three tatamis of local sports school there were 483 young judoists the Russian Zhukov (12 participants), the Ukrainian cities of Lutsk (1), Shatsk (8) and Lyuboml (3), the Latvian Daugavpils (6) and all areas of Belarus and Minsk.

To tell that judo in the region like – to tell nothing! Carrying out XIмеждународного of tournament became confirmation to it. Same it is necessary, the small city of Belarus accepted 483 participants! And as festively passed opening of competitions at which there was a head of administration of the region A.I.Zozulya and chiefs of leading departments of district executive committee, the Consul general of the Russian Federation N.N.Matkovsky, the head of department of education, sports and district executive committee tourism G.V.Radkovich, the director of Kobrinsky sports school V.M.Elberg.

In all organization of traditional competitions it was felt not only a solid hand, but also extraordinary responsibility for the sport of the director of JSC Nashi istoki, the chairman of region federation of judo Sergey Ivanovich Omelyanchuk. It has many friends trying in case of the slightest opportunity to help local athletes. The Belarusian federation of judo doesn't stand aside also. A few years ago it gratuitously it was already selected with tatami sports school. Here and on these competitions the deserved trainer of RB Valery Karakulko and the Honourable judge of the international category of the European Union of judo Anatoly Haritonov brought in Kobrin two Cups "For the best technique" and to "The most strong-willed judoist" which were handed over to Alexander Danilov from Zhukov and Roman Glitsuk from Kobrin.

It seems that to participants of competitions all festive atmosphere of tournament was transferred to the majority, and they tried to thank organizers bright, flashing fight on a tatami. Frankly pleased that except young judoists from recognized centers of judo of Minsk, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilyov children from New Guta, Chechersk, well proved Smorgoni. At last, in all beauty we saw also pupils of task forces on judo of the Minsk suvorovsky school. In these groups study and two pupils of local sports school the Artem Dzhaniyev and Serafim Shimchuk, the won gold awards in the weight categories increase the sporting skill.

And still, it was pleasant to see among prize-winners of pupils of bright wrestlers in the past – the masters of sports of the international class of Denis Kuntsevich, Vitaly Mikhaylov, Sergey Selivonts, Evgeny Bedulina. Last  won a special prize from organizers, as the prize-winner of many international competitions who has just transferred to trainer's operation.

 Results of competitions PDF>>>


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