19-year-old judoist Anastasia Pavlenko a few days ago won championship of the world in judo. Also became the third pupil of trainer Sergey Gerasimov who has risen by the highest step of a world podium, prepared in the modest Samara club "Olympus" being on Sukha Samarka.
Judo territory
The residential district Sukha Samarka – the factory suburb of the regional capital, the peninsula surrounded with small rivers – Samara and Tatyanka. The local center of cultural life – school No. 55. All sports life rotates round the judo club "Olympus" occupying two floors of the building standing near school which was constructed on "Volgotanker's" means. To bankruptcy of the enterprise to the club which head coach is the deserved trainer of Russia Sergey Gerasimov, "Volgotanker" helped. Now the help to the "Olympus" which ten pupils enter into Russian national team on judo of various age, renders the ministry of sports of the Samara region. At five trainers in club more than 200 young men and girls are engaged. Beginning from 6-7-year-old boys and the little girls living on Dry Samarka, to group of the highest skill into which 17 people – "sbornitsa" and candidates for a national team of Russia of different age enter. Six from whom specially arrived to Samara to Sergey Gerasimov – the trainer, at once which two pupils - Natalia Kondratyeva and Irina Zabludina - acted on the Olympic Games in London.
The winner of the superiority which have come to the end in Ljubljana of the world on judo-2013 Anastasia Pavlenko trains in Samara a little more than three years. the 19-year-old native of the small town of Ust-Lyubinsk near Krasnodar in judo from the first class. Training at home, I became the prize-winner of superiority of the country. In Samara it appeared from an easy hand of the trainer of Olympic champion-2012 Arsene Galstyan – Igor Romanov. "After my trainer gave "good" on moving to Samara, became agitated: how me will meet in Samara? Calmed that in club my compatriot, the world champion yuniorok-2006 Irina Zabludina long ago trains, - told in interview of "VK" of Anastas Pavlenko. – Accepted me sincerely. And Natalia Kondratyev and Christina Rumyantseva so me drove in sparrings that I won a world championship. In my medal there is a merit and the trainer, and little girls".
To reject the superfluous
… 6.30 mornings. Sukha Samarka's inhabitants only gather for work and study. Pupils of Olympus club are already tightened to the sports hall, on morning training. She will be usually seen off by Gerasimov. "About three years ago I decided to add in extreme life: I undertook to train young judoists. I considered that daily evening trainings with group of the highest skill don't suffice to me. But also for them, – the trainer nods towards fulfilling throws in a rack of "Olympians", - too is difficult. That to train in the morning - it is necessary to go to bed earlier. And before to manage to make lessons. And it already ability of to organize. Through our club passed many candidates for female Russian national team. Who couldn't reject superfluous for the sake of the main thing - participation in the Olympic Games - left".
In a semi-final of a world championship Nastya Pavlenko got on suffocating reception of Japanese Honoka Yamauchi. "But I had no thought to be given and remain without a medal. Not for this purpose I came on "world". Therefore I escaped from capture and won against the Japanese", - summed up Pavlenko. And in the ending Romanian Andrea Stefanesku Pavlenko I threw last second fight which hopelessly lost before. Also I won "gold".
Ivan Motynga, president of federation of judo of the Samara region:
- I am sure: Anastasia Pavlenko's victory on superiority of the world among a yuniorok wouldn't be without powerful preparation and work from her trainer — the deserved trainer of Russia Sergey Gerasimov. Before it already prepared two world champions among a yuniorok — Natalia Pisarev and Irina Zabludina. And now Nastya Pavlenko went on their feet. The federation of judo of the Samara region and the board of trustees of our federation on the celebration of our champions planned for November will note valuable presents and work of trainer Gerasimov, and a victory of his pupils on tournaments of various level.
Anastasia Pavlenko, the winner of superiority of the world among a yuniorok:
- Final fight was the most difficult on superiority of the world for me. I, even having got in a semi-final on suffocating from the Japanese, decided to suffer and not to be given up to the end. I trusted - I will be able to be turned out. And all the same to win, after all I won fight. After that to lose in the ending it was so offensive. Here I also won. And force to me were given by offense of that I wasn't taken on superiority of Europe. I won in the spring superiority of Russia and I consider that I am the strongest in this weight in the age in Russia. Therefore I am very glad to the victory on "world".
Author: Andrey BABESHKIN