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The federation of judo of the republic adopts the international experience

Thursday, 31 October 2013, 12:32
The federation of judo of the republic adopts the international experience

Today judo in the republic is one of the most popular sports, develops successfully and in large quantities. The Yakut judoists achieve serious successes at representative competitions, including international. According to the president of Federation of judo Oleg TARASOV, it is result of systematic and daily work with trainers who constantly visit trainings, master classes, leave out of borders of the republic for the purpose of professional development

Within held events the executive director of federation Oleg  USTYuZhIN visited the trainer's seminar which has taken place on October 23-24 in Moscow. More than 170 people from all regions of the country arrived to the capital to adopt valuable experience of teaching of judo.
The professor of University of Tsukuba, the double world champion and the bronze medallist of Olympic Games-1992 Hirotaka OKADA became the invited expert.Experience of teaching of judo for children also shared  experts of EJU – Patrick RU and Jean-Pierre ZhIBER . Their assistants acted as Ezio GAMBA and the trainer of a national team Evgenia  KULDIN - they translated explanations from French and Japanese languages.
Each school day began with the general warm-up. Participants tried on themselves various exercises which can be used both as a warming up before the main work, and for development in children of necessary skills of movements in a rack and orchestra seats.
The saturated seminar affected many aspects in teaching of children's judo - from training in a self-insurance and the correct falling before work in parter and studying of receptions in a rack.
Both young, and already having behind shoulders a wealth of experience the trainers who have become for a while pupils, tried to remember as much as possible from this that explained Lord Zhiber and Okada. Someone summarized, someone shot with the camera, and all tried to master as much as possible in practice.
Upon termination of a seminar all trainers received certificates on participation in this action. The second such seminar will take place from October 29 to October 31 on the basis of the Center of the Olympic preparation in Chelyabinsk. And next year the Federation of judo of Russia together with Interregional federation of child youthful judo plans to prepare some similar meetings devoted to training in judo at children of different age.


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