Federation of judo of Donetsk region and personally Rodion Butko, the President of Federation of judo of Donetsk region and the Vice-president of Federation of Judo of Ukraine, express gratitude to Vitaly Dubrova, the senior trainer of the national team of Ukraine, for an active contribution to the organization and support in carrying out the Open Absolute Championship of Ukraine on judo which passed in a framework of the III Festival of judo in Donetsk on October 25 - 26.
Thanks to Vitaly Dubrov's assistance to be overcome for a victory in the Absolute Championship there arrived the most titled judoists of the world, champions of Olympic Games and the largest international championships: Ilias Iliadis (Greece), Roy Meyer (Netherlands), Adam Okruashvili (Georgia), Marius Pashkyavichyus (Lithuania) and many others. It is twice pleasant that our judoists showed high level of wrestling, the victory Artem Bloshenko (Donetsk) became confirmation to that.
As a whole, on the Festival this year there arrived about 600 athletes from all over the world, and wrestling watched some thousand audience. It testifies that competitions were held at the international level, and it is the first step on a way to receiving the right to the organization of rating tournament.
Thanks to joint efforts and commitment we continue to develop judo in Ukraine and we raise the status of our country on the international sports scene!