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In Murom took place open tournament on judo

Tuesday, 22 October 2013, 14:58
In Murom took place open tournament on judo

On October 19, 2013 in Sports palace to Murom took place open tournament on judo among young men and the girls, devoted to memory of Ganin Alexey - the militiaman of a separate battalion of a security guard and patrol service, the victim on duty.

Decree of the President of April 12, 2011 militia sergeant Ganin A.V. for the courageous and resolute actions shown at protection of a public order, it is awarded the order courage. Tournament on judo was organized at the initiative of intermunicipal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Muromsky".
More than 200 athletes took part in competitions from nine cities of the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod areas.
As guests of honor Alexey Ganin's relatives – mother Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, father Victor Sergeyevich and sister Anna were invited.
Young judoists were welcomed by the chief of MM of OMVD of Russia the "Muromsky" police colonel A.V.Rudenko. Ganin Tatyana Vyacheslavovna wished to children that won against the strongest.
Tournament of memory of A.Ganin became traditional in the city and is dated for date of birth of Alexey. Patriotic education of younger generation and development of friendly relations of athletes of the cities of the center of Russia became the main tasks of competition.
Upon termination of action diplomas, medals and valuable presents were handed over to winners of competitions. Flowers and valuable present it is handed over to Alexey's mother  Tatyana Vyacheslavovna.


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