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Memorial of Chegeev took place in VKO

Monday, 21 October 2013, 10:13
Memorial of Chegeev took place in VKO

On October 18-19 in a regional FOK of VKO passed traditional International tournament memorial of memory of the master of sports of the USSR Marat Chegeev — the master of sports of the USSR on wrestling of sambo, judo, kazak kuresi, the repeated winner and prize-winner Championats of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic

The international tournaments and the Championships of the USSR among rural athletes. Thanks to its organizing abilities in the East Kazakhstan region it was created Federations of zone types of wrestling. In 2000 at the initiative of Marat and with support of Agency on sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Control of physical culture and VKO sports in the city of Ust Kamenogorsk the International tournament on wrestling of judo against involvement of athletes from different areas of Kazakhstan and CIS countries for the first time was held. And in its next November didn't become...

In memory of the remarkable person, the athlete and the friend, Marat Chegeev's colleagues decided to call, the tournament conceived by it, his name.  Over time the status of tournament was so high that the Federation of judo of RK included it in the "masterful" register. That is to the judoists who have taken the first places in the weight categories, ranks of the masters of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan are appropriated.

179 wrestlers took part in Chegeev's Memorial — 45 women and 134 men. Perfectly judoists of East Kazakhstan appeared, having won: 4 first, 3 second, 5 third or fourth places among women and 4 first, 5 second, 10 third or fourth places among men.

Names of winners in the weight categories:

Women: Bugylbayeva Aydan (48 kg, VKO), Sulianbekova Aydana (52 kg, VKO), Abilkadirova Aygerim (57 kg, Astana), Atayeva Zhibek (63 kg, VKO), Kulbay Aydana (70 kg, Aktobe), Rakhmetova Almagul (+78 kg, VKO), Rayfova Zarina (AVK, Almaty, KAZAST).

Men:  Magauinov Yerzhan (60 kg, Almaty), Kanapiyanov Shayakhmet (66 kg, VKO), Orynbayev Almukhan (73 kg, Zhambylsky area), Kayyrbek Erasyl (81 kg, VKO), Shamshiyev Sayat (90 kg, Almaty area), Beysheev Elaman (100 kg, Almaty, RKS), Orazbayev Adiel (+100 kg, VKO), Kydyrmanov Chingiz (ABK, BKO).

Author: Valery Chernov


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