Judo without limited opportunities. In Ishim soon will be specially equipped gym for Paralympians .
Ishimsky athletes know far outside area. On their account - "gold" of superiority of Russia. On the reached don't stop. Also mark in paralympic national team.
In a month in this hall there will be a tatami, and judo will be engaged not only seniors, but also children of elementary grades. For now, after lessons, the boy and little girls go on other end of the city where in a small hall, together with those who normally hears, comprehend judo science. These athletes shouldn't speak as it is correct to carry out reception. The trainer should show everything most.
Among those who saw a year ago judo and decided myself to devote to it - Tatyana Popova. She hears a little, but all the same each question to her gestures is duplicated by the physical education teacher, it is present here, on trainings. The boarding school for deafs and children hard of hearing - establishment very closed, but thanks to sports, at children appeared chance to see the country.
On superiority of Russia ishimsky judoists benefited two gold medals, 4 more persons got in prize-winners. Now children - candidates for paralympic national team.
Now at trainer Sergey Kulov seniors are engaged only, low children can't go beyond boarding school. Now about 40 young judoists wait for input in a system of a new hall.
In case of that deficit of professions which can master deaf-and-dumb and hard of hearing, judo - the excellent chance to construct the career and life, - writes State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Region Tyumen".