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Master class of judoists

Monday, 14 October 2013, 10:31
Master class of judoists

On Sunday, October 13, in Kemerovo took place competitions on the judo coordinated for Birthday of the president of Russia of Vladimir Putin.

Activists of "Young Guard of the United Russia" invited pupils of orphanage No. 2 to look at competitions and will get acquainted closer with this type of combat sport.
For this purpose to children conducted tour on judo School, showed gyms in which Russian national team was engaged by preparation before the Olympic Games in London, an office of medical examinations, wardrobe. Certainly, children were told about achievements of the Kemerovo and Kuzbass athletes, and known judoists of the city showed a master class on the main throws and receptions.
Having plunged into the atmosphere of martial art, pupils and members of the Young Guard met the chairman of committee on questions of tourism, sports and a youth policy of regional council Denis Kuksov.
The chairman of committee - the owner of a rank the candidate for the master of sports on judo, - with pleasure answered questions that colors of a belt mean, whether girls can be engaged in the fight, what useful skills are necessary for judo.
In acknowledgement of opportunity to join to such ancient and on the real philosophical single combat, pupils of orphanage invited members of the Young Guard on a visit to New Year's performance.


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