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Judoists from Tasmania wrote the letter to the president of Russia

Friday, 11 October 2013, 10:38
Judoists from Tasmania wrote the letter to the president of Russia

Judo club from the state Tasmania wrote the letter to the president of Russia Vladimir Putin with a request for protection from its party

In club  Ulverstone that in the north of the state Tasmania, consider that the president of Russia - the ideal candidate for a position for his outstanding sports skill and business qualities." I often repeat in club: listen, Putin wouldn't began such to suffer. He has a strong character, makes decisions and follows them," -speaks the head coach of club Chris Palmer (Chris Palmer) . Mr. Palmer explained that the idea to request protection to the president of Russia came to them after they saw Mr. Putin in the world championship in Rio de Janeiro in took place month. Last week they wrote the letter and expect the answer. If answer doesn't follow, they intend to address through the European federation of judo. Putin started being engaged in judo at teenage age, and last year the International federation of judo (IJF) appropriated to the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin of the eighth is given to judo. In the published message of federation the contribution of the president of Russia to development of these sports was noted. The head coach of Ulverstone received the fifth is given last week. Telling about club work, it is distressed that his athletes come to trainings once a week, some - two when in Russia four times a week train, differently it is simply impossible to remain in sports. In interview to the Australian news agency of AAP Chris Palmer noted that it is admired with that the Russian president not always conforms to the rules the political correctness, however not he considers Putin's all political decisions true.


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