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The judo championship of Russia in St. Petersburg

Friday, 11 October 2013, 10:16
The judo championship of Russia in St. Petersburg

Day of the second. A fine half of the Championship is complete.

The last four sets of awards of the Championship of Russia on judo on Thursday were played by representatives of a fine half of the mankind, acting in categories 48, 52 and 57 and Absolute.

In the easiest weight of the strongest there was Christina Rumyantseva (Samara – the Moscow Region), in category 52 kg five years later and having lost five kilograms took priority over the Muscovite Julia Ryzhova , on the average the weight 57 kg for the first time in career by the champion there was Tatyana Noskova (The Leningrad Region), and in an absolyut wasn't equal to resident of Perm Anna Balashova. Having finished the personal tournament, many judoists for two days will pass to a camp of spectators that on Sunday again to return on a tatami and already as a part of national teams of federal districts to argue for a command trophy of the Russian championship-2013.

48 kg

Three times in career there was the third in national championship Christina RUMYaNTsEVA. At the end of September refounded to volzhanka  the pedestal of prestigious tournament of Gran Pri  at in Alma-Ata and here, two weeks later the vice-champion of University games-2011 with shine "finished" the first on superiority in St. Petersburg. Anybody didn't have force to resist to Rumyantseva's pressure.By ippon she passed Tatyana Suvorova (Far East federal district), the Muscovite Shogik Tsaturyan and Siberian Elena Shchetkina – in a quarterfinal. Darya Bobrikova (Central federal district) to semifinal fight in two and a half minutes passed two throws which have made of "halves" a total flawless victory of Rumyantseva. Only a few seconds its final duel with Ossetian Alana Lazarova, the vice-champion of youth Russia of this year lasted. Didn't pass also minutes as Christina, having skillfully tripped up, I laid the judoist from North Caucasus federal district on a tatami. So the double champion of Russia among sportswomen till 23 years of Rumyantseva in career had the first adult Russian gold.

Bronze prize-winners of competitions became the last year's champion of the country Muscovite Lyusine Avakyan, in parter got the best of the representative of Bryansk Darya Bobrikova (Central federal district), and Siberian Anna Pashina,by ippon passed Maria Kalinicheva (Northwest federal district).

52 kg

The history knows a few cases when quite successful sportswoman, having replaced category on smaller, in the next time achieved serious heights in new weight. The champion of Russia-2008, the silver medallist of the championship-2012 accepted Ezio Gamby's council in the weight  57 kg, Julia RYZHOVa in a new season tried the forces in easier category 52 kg. And let the success came not at once – to rivals and it was necessary to adapt for new weight, Julia and on the international competitions looked surely and gave a decisive battle to opponents. Russia in St. Petersburg finally confirmed – the decision on change of category was true. Ryzhov with a naughty tail on the top in this almost sunny day on a tatami in "Anniversary" with ease finished with competitors. Ippona were recorded in her duels with the southerner Round, the representative of the Central federal district Ayakina, Siberian Muzhanova and Kotova (Central federal district) – in a semi-final. And in the ending Nikolay Korzhavin's ward beautifully beat Antonina Kiriyevskuyu and became the champion of the country, five years later after debut gold of Volgograd-2008.

By the third step of a pedestal rose: the champion of Russia-2006 of the Julia Kotova (Central federal district), extended painful in the small ending at Siberian Marina Günter, and 18-year-old Tatyana Ayakina (Central federal district) also in parter overcome the competitor from Bryansk Victoria Kuklo.

57 kg

In Ryzhova's former category on a leading position there was Tatyana of HOCKOBA the Leningrad region. On the way to a pedestal it overcame an uralochka Sakhapova, the Siberian Shadrin, the southerner entering into Russian national team Tatyana Kazenyuk and Muscovite Matviyenkova – in a quarterfinal.Didn't resist Noskova and Irina Binder (Volga federal district) in fight for a place in the ending. In a decisive duel Tatyana competed to the numerous medallist of the Russian superiority Ekaterina Melnikova from Saratov (Volga federal district). Volzhanka right at the beginning to a meeting managed to carry out a crown throw, but argumentativeness of a landing didn't allow the referee to award Melnikova a flawless victory - only "vase-ari". Keeping advantage, Katya not without effort left dangerous situations which again and again were created by Noskova. Having received for passive conducting fight three remarks, Melnikova on an outcome of five-minute at the presented opportunity tried to strangle the competitor, but carelessly took it for a foot. The verdict of judges was strict – disqualification. Noskova got a champion title.

Bronze medallists of the Championship became Christina Hramtsova (Central federal district) who has won against resident of Perm Irina Binder, carelessly taken "bear capture", and Muscovite Anastasia Matviyenkova who has played other representative of Perm Tatyana Konovalova. Nastya's throw forced Konovalova to rise "on the bridge" and though originally the referee gave for attack only "yuko", the commission, having interfered, forced the judge to revise on a tatami the decision and to determine the Muscovite by the winner of a meeting.

Absolute category

For lost girlfriends resident of Perm Anna BALAShOVA acting in Absolute category on command "revenged". The owner of the Cup of Russia-2006, in the career reaching only to the third place in National championship-2009, couldn't be realized yesterday in heavy weight and with redoubled zeal made the way to a pedestal in an absolyut on Thursday. And though this category was not numerous – only 11 participants, for hit in the ending it was necessary to sweat. Balashova the ippony won against Bularkiyeva (Far East federal district), and then overcame Siberians Kulneva and Sheremetova – in a semi-final. In final fight with Muscovite Diana Davtyan whom the day before good luck too didn't smile in супертяже, Balashova tried to get the best in orchestra seats, but then on counterattack achieved advantage in half-victories which strengthened bigger activity. The fourth шидо Davtyan brought an early victory to the resident of Perm. Diana has silver.

The third prize-winners of tournament became Ekaterina Sheremetova (Siberian federal district), a series of throws gathered advantage in fight of the small ending against Snezhanna Belozerova (Siberian federal district), and the repeated champion of the country Vera Moskalyuk who has made victorious "yuko" in a meeting with the same high Siberian Alla Kulneva. Bronze of an absolyutka sweetened impressions Moskalyuk from own fight a little: "On the first Russia many years ago became at once a medallist, - she told. – And from all the subsequent always came back home with awards, mainly gold. Yesterday's defeat in the small ending of category  78 kg could make this Russia for me – the most unsuccessful in career. But bronze in absolute category "clarified" a situation" a little.

On Friday in St. Petersburg starts man's tournament. Competitions there will begin judoists in categories 81, 90, 100 and over 100 kg.

Marina Mayorova


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