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The championship of Russia in St. Petersburg

Thursday, 10 October 2013, 13:07
The championship of Russia in St. Petersburg

Day the first. Steps forward, or Children to sports not hindrance.

Names of the first champions and medallists of the Russian championship in judo of 2013 became known in St. Petersburg on Wednesday, October 9.

Competitions of women in four averages and heavy categories started on Wednesday in the Northern capital the judo Championship of Russia. The city on Neva in October will accept martial artists twice – from October 9 to October 13 here will pass national superiority, and on October 19 and 20 within the World games of martial arts will take place team tournament of the strongest judo national teams of a planet. Talismans of future Games – Masha and Misha became guests of the first day of the Championship of Russia. In a hall of warm Sports palace "Yubileyny" growth dolls with pleasure were photographed with the audience and took part in opening ceremony.

National championship takes place in Petersburg for the third time. For the local organization celebrating this year anniversary, and for her head – Igor Sidorkevich who, by the way, in 2013 too celebrates round date – 50 years, carrying out large competitions – habitual, but from it not less responsible business. As it was noted at opening, for Petersburgers very important that athletes, trainers, judges, representatives and guests lived and competed in comfortable conditions and remained are happy with all aspects of the organization of tournament. And while from anybody from more than five hundred athletes representing teams of 61 regions of Russia, complaints didn't arrive.

On Wednesday in the city on Neva medals in categories 63, 70, 78 and over 78 kg were played. Day didn't bring special sensations – on a pedestal in most cases there were the girls, any more the first year entering into Russian national team. Siberian Irina Sordiya became the double champion of Russia in category of 70 kg, one step above in comparison with last year's tournament rose and received gold awards volzhanka  Alena Kachorovskaya (78) and the representative of Tatarstan - Maria Shekerova (+78). And, at last, Pari Surakatova who has subdued a pedestal five years later after bronze of national superiority-2008 the Petersburger became the new champion of the country in category 63 kg. The entertaining fact – at once three bronze medallists of the first day: Olesya Volkova (70) - in girlhood Ovseychuk, Paulina Orudzhova (+78) – Belousova, and Natalia Kazantsev (78), managed to achieve awards of the Russian championship, having returned on a tatami from maternity leaves – literally several months ago all of them became mothers.

63 kg

The winner of youth Superiority of Russia of this year the Petersburger Pari SURAKATOVA on a house tatami from five meetings couldn't finish only one ahead of schedule. By ippons  passed  to Ekaterina Onopriyenko (Volga federal district), Anastasia Bulatova (Central federal district), Julia Kirillova (Ural federal district) in preliminary tournament. Only Fatima Gabuyeva from Ossetia in a semi-final managed to show to future champion worthy resistance and spent all five minutes of a meeting on a tatami. The destiny of a place in the ending was decided by the Bet throw on "vase-ari". The final duel in the owner European and four Russian silver awards, the champion of the country-2005 Vera Koval, appeared on a tatami after the long recovery period, became one of the shortest. Sixteen seconds were required to Surakatova for preparation and carrying out the beautiful hook which has overturned the resident of Smolensk on a tatami.

The third place in this category was divided by Muscovite Veronica Romanko who has changed in the small ending to Julia Kirillova (Ural federal district), and Ekaterina Valkova (Southern Federal District), managed to break a course of a meeting with Ossetian Gabuyeva.

70 kg

Siberian Irina  SORDIYa repeated last year's success. Having left out of work Svetlana Averushkina (Volga federal district), Maria Zolnikova (Ural federal district), Victoria Stankievich (MOSCOW) and Svetlana Novikova (Central federal district), Ira again, as well as in the 2012th to Kemerovo, reached the final to the representative of St. Petersburg Irina Gaziyeva. And again than it  was stronger. This time Sordiya's victory was brought by smart cutting.

Bronze prize-winners of the Championship became: the third prize-winner of Russia-2012 Siberian Olga Artoshina, in the additional period realized attack in fight with other medallist of the last year's championship, the Tyumen sportswoman Darya Davydova, and Olesya Volkova (Central federal district), in the dramatic small ending painful achieved an early victory over Svetlana Novikova from Kursk.

78 kg

The repeated champion of Russia, the champion of Europe Vera Moskalyuk (Ural federal district), last year, having received the next gold of the Russian stamping, I declared completion of sports career. However this fall the eminent judoist came again to a tatami. At first on Superiority of Ural federal district earned to itself the permit to Petersburg, and then in Vladikavkaz helped the Yugra club to win the ticket for final tournament of the club European championship. And on Russia in St. Petersburg the skilled sportswoman reached the final block and only in a semifinal marathon – 11-minute fight with Muscovite Anastasia Dmitriyeva received one remark more and left fight for gold. It played Dmitriev and last year's vice-champion Аlena KAChOROVSKAYa. The best appeared the volzhanka which, despite the serious section received in the second circle at collision by the heads with Natalia Kazantseva, kept the good fellow and last seconds of the ending could catch the competitor and beat out the soil from under her feet.

Over 78 kg

And at last, in a super heavyweight in absence died in the summer of this year Elenas Ivaschenkos the position of the leader was taken by the medallist of University games Maria ShEKEROVA from Tatarstan (Volga federal district). Three ippons – in fights with Angela Gasparyan (Northwest federal district), Darya Karpova (Far East federal district) and Ekaterina Sheremetova (Siberian federal district), brought Shekerova in the ending to the numerous medallist of various competitions to Siberian Natalia Sokolova. And though in this duel the audience didn't manage to see a flawless victory, Maria's advantage was expressed in an assessment and it by right got "gold".

The third place divided Ekaterina Sheremetova (Siberian federal district), for only a few seconds beaten Petersburger Maria Ponomareva, and Polina Orudzhova (Southern Federal District), a throw and deduction got the best of resident of Perm Ksenia Chibisova (Volga federal district).

The second "female" day of the Championship of Russia will define medallists in the remained four lungs and average categories: 48 52, 57 kg and Absolute.

Marina Mayorova, FDR


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