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"Fiery painting" is presented at an exhibition in Vitebsk

Saturday, 05 October 2013, 10:21

In a cultural and historical complex "The Golden Ring the cities of Vitebsk of "Dvina" the personal exhibition of the master of a pirografiya of Igor Koperskogo "Ekokartina fire" on October 3 opened.

The sambo and judo coach-teacher Igor Kopersky lives in Zhodino.  But in Vitebsk its works already know – the artist-pirograf came more than once on "A Slavic market".  And constantly "The city of masters" with something brand new surprised frequenters of fair of national crafts.  Much, for example, remembered a picture in which the Russian president Vladimir Putin is represented. 
Pirografiya is an art of a burning out. There is some technician: burning out on a tree, paper, skin, fabrics, etc. Igor Kopersky chose for himself the first type of creativity. Also more than 35 years are engaged in it. For the last two decades he created more than 150 pictures. Subject – the most different, portraits, landscapes, architectural monuments, sacred faces, flowers, animal are subject to the master. Many works are devoted to athletes.
"Ask the friends, whether they know that such a pirografiya.  At the best, people think that this school hobby for a burning out on a tree, and more than anything.  Therefore I decided to lift image of this art in our country.  In general it appeared in England in the XVI century.  Many well-known artists – Rembrandt, Bryuyer, Pablo Picasso, writer Victor Hugo were engaged in a burning out.  For a burning out I took for the first time the electric device in hand in 10 years.  And here to me already the fifth ten, and I with each picture everything love that I do more strongly.  Each picture for me – as a victory over and elements.  After all I work with that the nature gave us:  with fire and a tree.  At each of them the energy", – I.Kopersky told. 
When the artist ask, from where he has so much patience on a burning out of the smallest details:  herbs, wool, petals, he answers:  "I am an athlete and the trainer, got used to finish the begun.  And though on picture creation often leaves one and a half-two month, but the result always pleases". 
On an opening day the master from Zhodino carried out for all comers a master class on a pirografiya.


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