Jannie Chamyyan got used not to give to descent to offenders since the childhood. The only girl among three brothers in a large family quickly learned to give worthy delivery. Jannie achieved inaccessible to many height, having received in 2013 the silver medal of Surdlimpiada first in the history of the Tuva sports and a rank of the deserved master of sports of Russia. She could declare herself to the world without words – language of strength of mind.
When it is impossible to tell
We met Jannie Chamyyan in a hall of judo of Republican child junior sports school of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tuva where the silver medallist of Deaflympics spends each day within the last ten years.
Together with she the translator comes to a meeting – mother Jannie Chechena Ochurovna Chamyyan. During our conversation it in language of deafs translates to the daughter questions and itself too answers some. Mother mastered the alphabet of deafs when Jannie started going to school, to this house with it had a talk simple gestures.
Future champion of the hearing was born: On November 10, 1984 in Erzin's village, in Maxim Tuvanovich's family and Ochurovna Chamyyanov's Chechens, there was a healthy strong girl. Jannie in a family – the second, big brother Choygan is more senior than it for a year. In a sort before and after there were no deafs, the fatal role Jannie's lives was played by an illness after which the diagnosis – neurotouch deafness was made to it.
But even with Jannie's such diagnosis I could hear world around, for example, I distinguished noise, including the TV on full loudness. The subsequent trauma when Jannie already at school played soccer worsened a situation and after collision with other player the winter crop fell, having strongly hit the head. Consequences of blow were irreversible – those sounds which Jannie still could distinguish disappeared even.
"It is heavy to reconcile to deafness and impossibility to speak, – speaks Chechen Ochurovn. – Probably, in many respects because of it at Jannie today such firm, even rigid character: she since the childhood learned to be stronger, than others. Despite deafness, the meek creature among brothers never I was, I could stand for myself and always give delivery".
Rather strong hobbies
From Erzin in 1991 a family Chamyyanov, having sold the house and economy, I moved to Kyzyl after Jannie who in seven years started studying at special correctional boarding school of the first look for not hearing children.
At Jannie's school I began to master the alphabet of deafs and a sign language. During study I mastered dressmaking, and today at the rare moments of rest for it it is hobby. Under the leadership of teachers of boarding school together with other girls I studied dances, I learned to knit, prepare. But all traditional maiden hobbies receded into the background when Jannie at physical education classes at school started being engaged in national fight – hureshy – and understood that in her life there was an occupation in which it can be the best.
In days of decade of disabled people in Kyzyl Jannie Chamyyan together with other girls constantly participated in the championships on an armwrestling and won: today she is the repeated champion of the republic on an armwrestling among women.
On a question why was fond of such nonfeminine sports, only smiles and shrugs shoulders.
Judo: first victories
Jannie started training under supervision of the skilled trainer, and in 2003 took the third place in the championship of Russia, and in April, 2004 – the second place in championship of Russia in sumo among youth till 21 year, in weight category to 65 kilograms, and, among healthy hearing athletes.
Victories followed one another. In September, 2007 Jannie Chamyyan took the second place in the judo championship of Russia among hard of hearing persons in Zelenograd situated near Moscow – in weight category to 63 kilograms. In May, 2008 I won the second place in the XIII world championship on martial arts among hard of hearing persons which took place in France, in the city of Toulouse. In September, 2012 – the second place in competitions of the XIV World Cup in martial arts among hard of hearing persons in Venezuela. And in March, 2013 – the first place in Zelenograd, in the judo championship of Russia among hard of hearing persons which was the main stage of selection of candidates for participation in Deaflympics in Bulgaria.
Jannie always trained and continues to train together with hearing athletes. All her trainers, both former, and present – hearing. On trainings if that isn't clear, write each other on a piece of paper. Generally simply show receptions, Jannie and other not hearing athletes look and repeat.
Jannie's sparring partner some years her girlfriend – too not hearing sportswoman, the repeated champion and the prize-winner of republican, Russian and world competitions on Chayan Oorzhak's judo. They always are engaged together. To their friendship – ten years. They also got acquainted on trainings.
Support at big competitions, but not hearing which feels uncertainly in others situation – especially is necessary to any athlete. Due to the lack of Jannie's such support on Surdlimpiada in Bulgaria didn't win gold to which so surely I went.
On Surdlimpiada it had to go to Bulgaria one – in the ministry of affairs of youth and sports of the republic explained that for a trip together with it the trainer isn't present means. Certainly, in Russian national team there were trainers, but Jannie wanted that the went, from Tuva. The sportswoman very much worried: whether will be able adequately to act without moral support.
"I wanted that the judo coach Vyacheslav Karbyevich Mongush with me went, – Jannie's speech translates Chechen Ochurovn. – Even if it nearby isn't necessary, and sits in a hall, all the same I can find it a look, and it can show what to do. I knew that without support in Bulgaria it will be very difficult".
Absence of the skilled instructor affected during final fight. The Tuva trainers Artysh Dorzhu and Vyacheslav Mongush, later analyzing decisive fight, came to the general conclusion: wave the trainer negatively head, and Jannie wouldn't replace a position, wouldn't make the mistake, which result – not gold, but Surdlimpiada's silver medal.
The competitor, Korean Yonmi Hong (Eunmi Hong), already lay on a tatami in tenacious capture of the Tuva sportswoman when Chamyyan decided to replace capture. Lie Hong less than half-minute in Jannie's capture, and in weight to seventy kilograms Chamyyan would get Surdlimpiada's gold. But, having slightly weakened a grasp to replace a position and to lay the competitor on shovels, thereby having won a flawless victory, Jannie made a fatal flaw.
But though the gold medal departed to Korea, Yonmi after that drama fight yours faithfully recognized that the victory over the strong Tuva sportswoman was given it by big work.
Surdlimpiada in Bulgaria was for Jannie the first. But the sportswoman doesn't intend to stop only on one participation, declaring with a smile that the big-time sports leave not earlier than forty years. Means, will be able to take part in two Surdlimpiadakh.
But on a question of Jannie's admirers slightly screws up the face and waves a hand: in marriage soon doesn't gather.
Addiction - character
After completion of career the sportswoman wants to pass on the gathered sports experience to not hearing children. Education allows – in 2006 Jannie graduated from republican school of the Olympic reserve, having gained the diploma of the trainer – the teacher of physical culture. The status too – after a victory on Games in Bulgaria to Chamyyan in the same place, in Sofia, appropriated a rank of the Deserved master of sports of Russia is a ceiling for athletes.
But to teach to deaf children, the sportswoman needs to be trained in the beginning in such work. Jannie plans to pass study in one of higher education institutions of St. Petersburg or Moscow specializing on training of not hearing. But now time for it isn't present: almost all days leave on trainings.
The sportswoman special has no diets, she only tries to keep weight in norm – to seventy kilograms. With pleasure eats meat dishes, drinks proteinaceous cocktails for maintenance of muscular weight. And drugs when will be unwell, accepts with care or at all refuses them before important competitions – because of fear not to pass doping control.
"If turns obstinate, with Jannie difficult to agree, – will explain Chechen Ochurovn. – Especially, when we persuade to take rest, not to exhaust themselves trainings. But with it when something doesn't want not to cope. It rested very much, doesn't grant a long respite".
Photo Ay-kys Maspyk-ool and from personal archive of a family of Chamyyan.