The Korostyshevsky region of Zhitomir area - among leaders on judo development in regions. In March 2013 here it is put in operation it is completely reconstructed, a modern gym.
Since new academic year, with support of the vice-chairman of the regional state administration Alexander Nikityuk in Korostyshev the new office of judo which completely contains at the expense of the regional budget is opened.
In Korostyshev in the past weekend in the took place open judo championship of Zhitomir area among young men and girls 2001-2002, pupils of child junior sports schools within carrying out the Olympic week and performance of social initiatives of the President of Ukraine on healthy lifestyle introduction among young generation .
8 teams (in total about 80 best athletes of area) took part in competitions from the cities of Zhitomir, Korostenya, Baranovsky, Korostyshevsky, Zhitomir and Ovruchsky areas.
Command places were distributed as follows:
1 place - team Korostyshevsky complex child junior sports school of sports and sports society "Spartak";
2 place - Baranovsky's team of child junior sports school;
3 place - team of Zhitomir child junior sports school "Avangard" of Zhitomir regional council.
Young men and girls in the weight categories became champions of competitions:
- Yurchenko Alexander, Sikirin Artem Kunash Tatyana (Baranovsky DYuSSh, trainer Tatyana Shchavinskaya)
- Evgenia's spark, Nevmerzhitsky Yaroslav, Krivolapchuk Ilya (DYuSSh "Locomotive" of Korosten, trainer Sergey Karpenyuk)
- Hare Igor, Slavinsky Ilya, Valeev Timur (Zhitomir regional DYuSSh "Vanguard", trainers Tatyana and Igor Kudryashov)
- Osadchuk Vitaly (Korostyshevsky KDYuSSh "Spartak", trainer Natalia Voynalovich)
- Galaguz Ekaterina, Pashinsky Elena (DYuSSh "Dynamo member", trainers Sergey Dmitrenko and Alina Sokolovskaya).
The high organization and the qualified refereeing of competitions the judiciary board under the leadership of the chief judge, the judge of the I category, the senior judo and sambo coach carried out Arcady Habchik's Korostyshevsky DYuSSh.