Today in Bulgaria, the city of Belovo, took place opening of a new hall of judo of school of Roman Karasev "ROKA".
In the small Bulgarian city of Belovo which is located at the massif bottom Rila Planina, on a way between the cities of Sofia and Plovdiv,opened the judo school which initiator became the head of school of judo of "ROKA", Roman Karasev .
In the first day of occupations 15 children and one adult that for the first occupation quite good number for the city with the population less than 5000 people came to school of judo.
The hall where will pass occupations is located in the downtown and the room is provided by a city administration for absolutely symbolical rent. In a hall renovation, by forces of pupils of school of judo of "ROKA" and one of inhabitants of the adjacent village of Menenkyovo, Georgi Trifonov, in the past of the winner of various tournaments in Bulgaria in 1968-1972 was made. He, by the way, decided to resume studying of judo and to help with training process after nearly 40 summer breaks.
In plans of school of judo of "ROKA", further promotion of occupations of judo among residents Belovo, the organization of joint trainings with clubs of judo of Bulgaria and certainly carrying out joint trainings with pupils of school of judo of "ROKA" in Russia and Bulgaria. (The next action, this participation in an educational and practical forum of judo, "Winter practice of judo" in January, 2014 in Bulgaria).