S ettlement Obukhovo in Moscow area was known unless thanks to bandy competitions earlier. In 2011 in Obukhov passed the World Ice Hockey Championship with a ball among girls 17 years, and in December the 2011th World Ice Hockey Championship with a ball among youth teams aren't more senior. However in the last two weeks of summer this settlement in Noginsk the Area of Moscow area became the carrying out center at once two significant events for judo.
From August 14 to August 28 here for the first time passed the European collecting among juniors. Athletes took part in joint trainings from Russia, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium and Serbia. In total there were 160 participants. For Europeans this collecting became not only review of forces, but also opportunity to see the Russian capital. For them special excursions on sights of Moscow were organized.
In the course of training collecting the master class for participants was carried out by eminent athletes – the Olympic champion of 1976 Sergey Novikov (the first domestic Olympic champion in heavy weight category), the prize-winner of Olympic Games of 1980 Aramby Emizh, the deserved trainer of Russia Vladimir Elcheninov, and also twice the bronze prize-winner of Olympic Games (1992 and 1996) German Richard Trautman.
Participants and guests of sports collecting noted high level of carrying out action. Light and cozy numbers were reserved for their accommodation these days. And health of athletes highly skilled sports doctors from Russia and Germany watched over.
As the head coach of the junior national team of our country on judo Vladimir Drachko noted, similar collecting became the real gift for athletes. "It would be desirable that in their future was more", – the deserved master of sports, the champion of Europe of 1994 concluded.
"We have to aspire to that our collecting took place at the European level", – the organizer of action, the president of federation of judo of the Moscow region Igor Fyodorov noted. It also expressed gratitude to the head of municipality Obukhovo Nikolay Sushchenko for assisted in carrying out action. And for the master of the international class this event became a peculiar gift to birthday. On August 27 Igor Fyodorov celebrated the 48 anniversary.
Not less important event in Obukhov occurred and in the next two days. Here passed the selection judo Central federal district championship. 85 athletes took part in it from all regions of Central federal district. And at the beginning of October winners and prize-winners of selection competitions will measure swords forces in the championship of Russia which will take place in St. Petersburg.