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The Tver tatami receives guests

Wednesday, 07 August 2013, 10:14
The Tver tatami receives guests

Female junior Russian national team on judo prepares for superiority of Europe and the world on the basis of the Tverskaya federation of judo. Preparation of 35 sportswomen direct the deserved trainers of the country Igor Zhuchkov (Chelyabinsk) and Abdurakhman Bazarov (Tver) .

Together with the strongest Russian judoists 10 young residents of Tver aged from 8 till 12 years jointly train. According to Abdurakhman Bazarov being the executive director of federation, that the female national team periodically trains on the Tver tatami, already yields the fruits. In particular, grow up two very promising athletes – Angela Shevtsova and Maria Buriyeva.
The high trainer of the national team Igor Zhuchkov evaluated the Tver command as "very perspective" and "promptly developing", is reported on a site of TROO of Judo.


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