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Judo school in Moscow want to destroy

Wednesday, 17 July 2013, 13:24
Judo school in Moscow want to destroy
Сергей Косоротов бьет тревогу - его школу хотят закрыть

The Russian sports kill from within?

Attempted upon the sacred. Only this way it is possible to describe that happened to the palace of the single combats which has been completely repaired by Sergey Kosorotov. The known judoist and simply enthusiast who has given the chance to children for symbolical money to comprehend elements of judo and other single combats, sounds the alarm. Location for which it with such love and warmth cared and I cherished for 10 years, want to select.
- 10 years ago, when I managed to remove this sports hall, I, having sold the Moscow apartment, I carried out there major repair, - tells "MK" the deserved master of sports, the world champion in superheavy weight category Sergey Kosorotov. - Location was then in an accident condition, however to us, after all, it was succeeded to open in the child junior club on judo is mute. Much especially liked that the price for occupations at us ridiculous to present measures — 700 rubles for 14 lessons.
Belongs the sports hall to department of property of Moscow. However there is on a hozvedeniye State Unitary Enterprise DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING TECHNOLOGY. They also arranged us real war.
- Tell with what everything began?
- This year the lease contract ended. I had a prime right of prolongation, after all I as already I spoke above, repaired location on own money. I already coordinated the contract with the owner department and it didn't refuse to me, in oral, in writing.
They there obviously hurry to release the building until the end of summer. Very much it to someone attracted.
- And before there were problems about state unitary enterprise?
- Well, to us the prices first inflated, and, for all building, including and that part in which there live visitors workers from the neighboring countries. What relation they have to us, unclear, but forced to pay for them us all the same.
Most unpleasant in this history that debts I never had. I always paid for location removing in time, without time delays. At me tried to wring out money earlier, but the city power always rose in defense. And now all removed, delivered new people.
- Really, all remained are deaf to requests for the help?
- We rang in all instances with which to us could help, but everywhere tell only one: "he at meeting, discusses future choices"! So never we also didn't find anybody. Moskomsport, however, promised to help. But also there ask why didn't address, now, all in release earlier...
So, you see, what turns out? In Kazan there are University games, our athletes of a medal row with a shovel. It would seem, everything is good in domestic sports. And on the other hand, look at that happens to us. This full denial of all talks about roughly developing sporting Russia. If in the capital so arrive with far not the last people in sports what to speak about simple enthusiasts in the Russian remote place. Probably, medals on these University games — the swan song of our sports.
material: Kirill Stepunin

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