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In Satpayev passed the republican judo championship

Monday, 15 July 2013, 10:11
In Satpayev passed the republican judo championship
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In Satpayev's sports complex passed the republican judo championship, devoted to the 15 anniversary of the capital of the republic - Astana

As organizers of review the Agency on affairs of sports and physical culture of RK and the Karaganda regional management of tourism, physical culture and sport acted. By the way, in Satpayev competitions by this type of single combats of similar scale were held for the first time. To that existence of fine conditions for carrying out, successful work of perspective trainers in the mining city became the basis. Therefore the federation of judo of the Karaganda region suggested to hold the championship here.
Within two days at the same time on three tatamis were measured by forces of the young man and the girl of 1998-1999 year of birth. These competitions collected a large number of participants - 600 athletes representing fourteen areas of Kazakhstan, and also Astana and Almaty. Twenty judges worked.
On parade of opening of athletes welcomed aky the cities of Anuars of Lobsters and the state judo coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Bayzhumanov.
Following the results of the championship the first place was taken by team of Astana, athletes of Kyzylordinsky area were second, the third position was held by a team of Zhambylsky area. Representatives of the Karaganda region took the seventh place of the table.
As for owners of the championship, satpayevsky athlete Diaz Ashimov became the winner. He is engaged in judo five years. His huge desire was to give a gift to the hometown to the 40 anniversary which will be celebrated in September. And the satpayevets Nurbolat Rakhymberlin won a bronze medal. Train talented палуанов Kenzhezara Kashkynov and Batyrlan Omirzakov.
Competitions in a sports complex drew attention of admirers of this sport, became a spectacular and fascinating holiday strong and dexterous. Winners and prize-winners of the championship awarded with valuable prizes, diplomas and cups.

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