The best fight – is what can be prevented!
The coach on judo of Centre of children's creativity and sports of Spassk Ryazan Pavel Stenin teaches this rule the pupils. Pavel Sergeyevich headed eight years Federation of judo of the Ryazan region, then was the teacher, then the farmer, but commitment to sports has again an effect …
Since 2006 in Spassk the combining "Honour Way" in which children from 6 to 17 years comprehend elements of judo and the universal wrestling under his supervision works. But as though ustrashayushche it sounded, nevertheless single combats first of all teach philosophy of thought and spirit education.
– When we opened section, the main objective for myself put patriotic education of youth, operation over myself. We carry sporting achievements on the second plan. Self-development and self-knowledge – first of all, – are told by Pavel Stenin.
The name "Honour Way" speaks for itself. Young wrestlers have rules of behavior which they try to observe steadily. To respect seniors and veterans, to work, always to think before to make something, to be honest with others and with itself – here only some principles of judoists.
In the village of Izhevsk under the auspices of Pavel Sergeyevich Stenin on the basis of the main school the section of wrestlers "Honor and the Homeland" too is open. For judo development in this settlement I made much and still the former principal Elena Shavrina does.
Except trainings, with spassky athletes historical lessons at which they learn about life and feats of heroes of the Great Patriotic War and local wars are conducted.
Now in different age groups at Pavel Stenin about 85 people are engaged. Many of them – winners and prize-winners of regional, All-Russian and international superiority. Pavel Sergeyevich's most titled pupils is Norayr Nevsky, Nastya Bodrov, Igor Orlov, Dasha Belonozhko, Artem Troshin, Nastya Ryzhov, Ania Rozhkova, Sascha Savostikov. They left more than once on competitions out of limits not only our region, but also Russia.
But tournaments are often held and in the Spassk. Usually they are devoted to any holiday or an event, for example: To Victory Day, Day of the defender of the Fatherland, New year, etc. Tournament in memory of the first champion of Russia on judo from Ryazan Fridona Tsiklauri became already traditional. Inhabitants of the Spassky region too actively support young judoists. Drivers of share taxis founded the tournament: they provide prizes and gifts for winners. And mothers and fathers of young wrestlers created parent committee which allows to resolve many organizational issues. Every year more and more boys and little girls comes to section on judo in Spassk. All Vera – to God collects under the motto ", life – the Homeland, honor – to anybody! " wise teacher and trainer Pavel Stenin.
Elena Serebryakova