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20 years of wrestling for "Candy"!

Friday, 05 July 2013, 08:23
20 years of wrestling for

In Education Centre "Sambo – 70" there took place the annual Candy tournament on judo among wrestlers of the most low age – 10, 11 years (2002 – 2003 year of birth)

In 2013 these competitions marked anniversary – 20 years! 198 children who are engaged in groups of initial preparation, both in the main building of sport school, and in numerous branches "Sambo — 70" took part in tournament. Those boys who appeared on the first tournament in 1993, already, not the first year, help to hold tournament to the trainer – to Dmitry Sergeyevich Zhilyaev. This year, as well as at the previous competitions "Candies", the audience saw huge desire to win and a cherished dream – to grow and become the world champion in the opinion of all young judoists! Each athlete always remembers the first official competitions, and the Tournament «Candy»in soul of any boy leaves not only solar memories, but also sweet feelings of the real holiday. After solemn rewarding of winners and the prize-winners, traditionally all participants of competitions were expected by a tea banquet, the desktops filled with cakes, fruit and the candy vases filled to edges.

Watching behind final duels, I managed to communicate to the coach of TsO "Sambo — 70", the master of sports of Russia on sambo and judo, the principal secretary of competitions Maxim Kuznetsov who willingly shared the impressions about tournament. "These competitions take place not by purely dzyudoistky rules: throws from knees that it is possible to do in sambo on any age, and in judo – only on adults are resolved, for example, – Maxim Kuznetsov tells. – We prepare at the same time both sambo wrestlers, and judoists. At the same time a row of restrictions is entered, in particular, for the maximum lowering of traumatism among children, painful and suffocating receptions" were completely forbidden. According to Kuznetsov, children showed interesting technique, let and not sharpened, but very various. "Children of their age don't rest against carrying out one reception, and try to make all throws which they accepted trainers", – it marks. According to him, the Tournament «Candy»is held to select the strongest athletes for their reception in Sambo — 70 sport school special classes. And for children to whom arrival is necessary the next academic year, tournament is serious test in the form of the first competitive experience.

The first on final fight there were wrestlers of the easiest weight category – a pen weight (to 28 kg) – Yury Zhukov and Alexander Funtikov. Yura captured directly an initiative, having tried to carry out the front step, the second attempt of the same reception was more effective – "вазари"! Sascha tried to constrain an impact of the rival counterreceptions, but it is unsuccessful. As a result, with the score 7:0 a victory adjudged to Zhukov. The following weight – to 32 kg was represented by finalists Nikita Nazarov and Ivan Sklyarov. In 16 seconds prior to the end of fight Ivan carried out side cutting – "ippon"! In category to 32 kg for the first place fought Alexander Bekoyev and Alexey Shebalin, on the 11th second of the second minute Sascha carried out a throw through a back from knees – purely, "ippon"! And here in a weight to 35 kg fight turned out not so spectacular, well, clearly, nobody wanted to fall, – as a result, with the score 1:0 Ivan Tyrdanov won, the second place was taken by Nuzurmetov Famil. Representatives to 38 kg Maxim Molochkov and Timur Mizhayev revealed the winner in an extra time, and the referee raised a hand for victory designation towards Maxim. In the ending to 42 kg refer Gasan Gasanov and Artem Malashenko. Gasan productively turned up on a throw through a shoulder from knees and became the strongest in the weight category. Alexander Abramov (to 46 kg) carried out against the opponent Kakhaber Chilachava two "вазари", having ahead of schedule finished a duel. To 50 kg Daniel Petrov who has dexterously torn off from a tatami by pickup under two feet of the rival and the namesake – Ivlev became the best. In 55 kg fight ended on the 11th second – Dmitry Tyurikov victoriously threw up hands, and his opponent – Gleb Sverdlov didn't manage to hide the chagrin. In the heaviest category Ilya Novikov became the winner, and a silver medal got to Alexander Shakirov.

On heat the children's Tournament «Candy»didn't concede to adult serious competitions, and sometimes even exceeded them. Loud shouts of winners, exclamations of fans, trainers and parents … nobody hesitated of the emotions, and some boys didn't constrain bitter tears of defeat. Looking at their tears, to me the quote of the repeated world champion in Vadim Ukraintsev's kickboxing was recalled: "You aren't the athlete if didn't cry from defeat in a locker room and never sewed up itself the sportswear". Trainers of boys worried about the wards as if it there was not the first tournament, and at least – national championship. It is impossible to overestimate their contribution to formation of each young athlete, as personality and the wrestler. Three years ago I as the journalist visited the International forum "Russia – the sporting power" which took place in Luzhniki. Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling (1988) and the President of the Federation of Wrestling of Russia (FWR) Mikhail Mamiashvili paid attention to importance of trainer's operation and preparation of highly qualified personnel to press conferences.  "I always considered that the principal person in sports is the first trainer, at all without having great regalia because it enters the child into the sports world, learns to work and imparts love to business", – the president of FSBR told then.

After closing of tournament on which young wrestlers awarded: the deputy director of the TsO "Sambo — 70" sporting school Vladimir Samsonovich Stepanov, the principal judge of competitions Dmitry Sergeyevich Zhilyaev and pupils of sport school (long ago ended it), all participants of competitions passed in school cafeteria where on desktops sweet viands were exposed. There D. S. Zhilyaev, behind the certain desktop, treated with the firm tea of organizers of tournament – the former pupils. "Dmitry Sergeyevich – the person who is selflessly devoted by all heart to wrestling and the profession of the trainer, – shared the judgement the graduate of 1999 Alexander Bushuyev. – I perfectly remember how appeared on the first Tournament «Candy»in 1993, then the understanding directly came: the result of a duel depends not on layout of stars in the sky, but only on you, on personal preparation, wrestling qualities, will power and aspiration to win! The important moment is also that fact that throughout the entire period of training in "Sambo – 70" Alexander was the captain of a class, and here any more the first year – the principal inspirer among the schoolmates on Tournament «Candy»support.

In summary the word was taken by the Deserved sambo and judo coach of Russia Dmitry Sergeyevich Zhilyaev:  "Being still the school student of elementary grades, I took part in the Tournament «Candy»which then took place to Zhukovsky, and it was very prestigious to wrestling on this tournament.  After competitions all drank tea from a samovar, with drying.  And in 1993 when sports in the country practically collapsed, I decided to revive nice traditions of this tournament.  Further, we will invite to rewarding of known champions that each boy understood – and I can become same! "

Text: Nikita Afanasyev,

the graduate "Sambo – 70" 1991,

the bronze prize-winner of the open championship of Moscow on hand-to-hand wrestling (2001) and the Cup of regions of Russia on fighting sambo (2003),

the member of the Union of journalists of Moscow (since 2009).

Photo: Ilya Yefimov,

the graduate "Sambo – 70" 2000, the bronze prize-winner of the Championship of Armed forces of the Russian Federation on sambo (2004).

D. S. Zhilyaev's pupils – organizers of the Tournament «Candy»in 2013.

Alexander Bushuyev,

Alexey Zernov,

Artem Mishanin,

Evgeny Solopov,

Ilya Dmitriev,

Ilya Yefimov,

Karen Chobanyan,

Nikita Afanasyev,

Roman Shcherbakov,

Sergey Bukotkin.

Last photo and video