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Masters were stronger

Wednesday, 03 July 2013, 09:36
Masters were stronger
фото http://savok2009.narod.ru/

In SDYuSShOR "Cometa" competitions III of open tournament on judo of this specialized child junior sporting school of the Olympic reserve on prizes of the Ryazan separation of veterans of Airborne troops and armies of a special purpose "Union of paratroopers of Russia" among young men and girls are held.

Two hundred athletes took part in competitions from six regions of the country – Ryazan (Ryazan and Sasovo), Moscow (Zaraysk, Kolomna and Anniversary), Vladimir (Vladimir and Murom), the Tambov, Perm and Tula areas.
Young men competed in ten weight categories. In seven of them masters tatami – Nikita Ryumin, Daniyal Magomedov, Nikolay Vorobyov, Kirill Rybin, Alexander Ermolinsky, Dmitry Nechaev and Arthur Leshkenov took priority. Three higher awards went to Zaraysk (Alexander Plekhanov became the winner), Kolomna (Kirill Igantov) and Perm (Ivan Galinov). Girls competed in three weight categories. Two won representatives of SDYuSShOR "Comet" Yana Tsyganko and Marina Vorobyov. In a weight to 46 kilograms Victoria Gabis (Murom, the Vladimir region) took priority. The ending here turned out Murom: Ksenia Samarin was the second participant of decisive fight.

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