At the judoist of Baht Gombodordzha in 2011 occurred a rupture of ligaments of an elbow joint. After such trauma many finish career. Baht returned on a big tatami in one and a half years.
Baht from a known family of judoists. Father Buntaryn Gombodordzh prepared some winners and prize-winners of the Games "Children of Asia", big brother Damdin — the senior judo coach of the youthful national team of Yakutia. The future of Bath was defined since the childhood when the boy was six years old, the father brought it for the first time into the sports hall.
It is interesting that Damdin in 2000 won on the Games "Children of Asia", in four years its achievement was repeated by Bath. Both acted in weight category of 55 kilograms. Now Bath speaks about that tournament with nostalgia: "For all participants it there were children's Olympic Games, now the relation it is a little another. Responsibility was big, but I managed to cope with excitement. Damdin even arrived from Krasnoyarsk to support me. Probably, native worried more, than I".
On July 31, 2011 Gombodordzh remembers with grief. Then in the championship of Central federal district it was traumatized an elbow joint. Big mistake was that made a simple X-ray moreover through plaster, MRT should have passed at once. "Doctors I don't blame, itself it is guilty", — the judoist admitted. In 2012 after operation Bath started trainings. At first it was scared to work with the injured hand, but the athlete overcame himself: "It is a difficult period — after a trauma morally heavy to wrestling. To admit, the psychological barrier remained, now I behave one tatami more carefully. It is good that rivals didn't try to influence somehow the injured hand though personally I saw how others try to aggravate an old trauma. It is bad when people are guided by the principle "For a victory all means are good". On the other hand, they can be understood, as they say, the winner is always right".
Happens, difficult minutes from the person many turn away. Baht, on the contrary, supported, and it is grateful to the director of Glavenergostroy construction company Sergey Nemirovskomu and the trainer of Slavutich club Vyacheslav Litavin. Thanks to them he won a flawless victory over trauma consequences that in Japanese means "ippon". With the big brother at them communication at genetic level if at one something occurs in the life, it right there feels the second. It is sure, Damdin never will ask a question: "Brother you to me or not brother? "
Baht is 24 years old, theoretically to it still to wrestling and wrestling. Now he trains at Alexey Hrapov and brother Damdin. On hospital Gombodordzh of time I didn't waste: I passed tests and examinations at faculty of mechanical engineering and technology of the Moscow state university of instrument making and informatics. After the termination of the Yakut school of the Olympic reserve is going to enter the Institute of physical culture and sport of SVFU.
The stage of the Cup of Europe became the first competition after an one-and-a-half-year break, trainers of Russian national team weren't afraid to trust in the judoist who has come back on a tatami. Result — a bronze medal.
During the compelled break he involuntarily gained weight. For the athlete already there is a lot of one-two extra kilo. "My net weight sometimes reaches 72 kilograms, I try to hold it about 69 ти", — told Bath about wrestling against weight.
Despite 24 years, to our hero often ask a question when he thinks to finish career. Baht doesn't reflect on it while it is completely given to favourite judo. During treatment the thought that can not come any more to a tatami didn't come at all.
Bath had idols in the childhood, but now it near them, and now they already rivals. Equaled on the Japanese judoists who always were leaders in national wrestling earlier. Today any country can make the competition, judo level in the world considerably raised.
Many consider that judo and sambo nearly one type of single combats, actually a difference huge. Japanese wrestling more high-speed, than Russian. This year in judo changed rules, it is impossible to attack feet hands now. For someone it is plus, but for Gombodordzha operating in an aggressive manner, a minus.
In youth qualification two years ago Bath was the third number. Among adults in the European rating it takes the twelfth place, in the world doesn't enter even into the twenty. It is time to make up missed in years of rehabilitation. The beginning successful, having taken the third place at a stage of the Cup of Europe, Bath made hit. It is necessary to analyze the mistakes, it is difficult, but it is necessary: you want to add in skill, look for own mistakes.
Very difficult to win a place as a part of national team, there are a lot of strong competitors. There were conversations on performance for other country, for the sake of participation in the Olympic Games it was possible and to agree. But while Bath tries to come to world level through Russian national team.
The focus of interest of the purposeful athlete doesn't come to an end with judo. Having learned about a possible exception of free-style wrestling of the program of the Olympic Games, he very much was surprised. By the way, it about it was told by Victor Lebedev with whom they are on friendly terms.
Except judo Bath likes to play soccer and rugby. Гомбодордж knows many known athletes of Yakutia. I supported Vladimir Balynts and Evgenia Kolodko last summer and I was sincerely glad to their success.
When started talking about Manchaara's Games, the interlocutor told: "I with pleasure would participate in large Yakut competitions. In 2005 Damdin became champion Igr Manchaara, but now judo in the program of both competitions isn't present. Dream of any athlete — the Olympic medal, but I understand that for this purpose it is necessary to train much. I consider as the real athlete I didn't take place, hope yet, big victories at me ahead".
Bath won one such victory, having returned on a tatami. It is sure that it not its last triumph.
• Author Tatarinov George