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Vladimir Putin will arrive to Kazan on July 7

Thursday, 27 June 2013, 10:20
Vladimir Putin will arrive to Kazan on July 7

The source of "DAILY Newspaper" reports about fast visit to Kazan the president of Russia

Actually, the fact of arrival of Putin for anybody not a secret. Kazan as all of us know, opens already on July 6 University games 2013. And it, we will remind, a global event. However when there will arrive the president, until now didn't speak.

So, our interlocutor declares that on July 7 Vladimir Putin will visit judo competitions in "Tatneft to the Arena" within the XXVII World summer University games 2013 in Kazan.

Let's remind, the structure of the main Russian team included leaders of our national team, among which: the Olympic champion of London-2012 Arsene Galstyan (60 kg), world champions-2012 (in team) - Kirill Voprosov (90)), Murat Habachirov (81) and Renat Saidov (+100), prize-winners of the World Cups - Musa Mogushkov (73) and Natalia Kuzyutina (52), owners of the European awards: Jakub Shamilov (66), Zafar Makhmadov (100) and Mahomed Nazhmudinov (absolute), Alesya Kuznetsova (48), Irina Zabludina (57), Martha Labazina (63), Margarita Gurtsiyeva (70) and Alexandra Babintseva (absolute), and also medallists of the Russian and international competitions: Anastasia Dmitrieva (78) and Maria Shekerova (+78).


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