Six awards in five categories, three gold in the man's category from three possible, the athlete first in the history who has won three European championships among young men in a row, and the next first place of Russia in an all-team competition – such "bouquet" of achievements came to the end on Sunday for our judoists youthful Superiority of Europe-2013 in Tallinn.
In the last day of competitions our judoists representing one region - Krasnodar Krai, won the highest awards in all three categories against young men. Ruslan Shakhbazov (+90 kg) became the champion of the continent for the first time супертяж, in category of 90 kg came out the double winner of Superiority of the Old World from Carlen Palyan's fight, and Mikhail Igolnikov (81) became the triple champion first in the European history. Silver in category over 90 kg was won by Muscovite Tamerlan Bashayev, and both representatives of a fine half of our team – Ekaterina Tokarev (70) of the Saratov region and Christina Usova (+70), besides from Krasnodar Krai, became bronze prize-winners of competitions.
Less than three minutes were "spent" for all rivals in Tallinn by the Russian judoist cadet Mikhail of NEEDLE CASES most titled nowadays (81). The world champion among young men, became the three times champion of Europe in the capital of Estonia having overcome in five seconds (! ! ! ) Romanian Mark in the first circle, in 76 seconds – Italian Rollo, for 27 - the Croat Druzheta and for 67 – the Dutch Vit in the ending.
"I am glad that at me today everything developed as I wanted, - Mikhail told. - The secret of my success is covered in a lot of work of our trainers - I want to thank them, support of all team, and the help from doctors. I can't allocate any one of three gold awards with Euro, after all if you ask mother what of three her children especially favourite, she won't be able to answer. All my medals mean to me equally much".
The victory in Tallinn and the champion of Europe-2012 in category of 90 kg of Karlen of PALYaNA was sure. In this season it didn't get at all to number of medallists on Superiority of Russia, but won two stages of the Cup of Europe in Turkey and Poland and to Euro-2013 approached the first number of a rating. I didn't prevent the Russian to win and traumatized the first fight day of an edge. Overcoming pain, Palyan by ippons passed Finn Puumalaynen, Georgian Gvelesiani, the Hungarian Rudinsky and Lithuanian Nenartavichus – in the ending.
"If to compare two gold – 2012 and 2013, it seems to me that last year the victory was given me more difficult, - the double champion of Europe admitted nowadays, - In Montenegro the competition was more sharply. But in Tallinn injured edges, and this trauma disturbed me. Nevertheless, I made that has to and won gold of Europe. Now I hope for continuation of successful performance on Superiority of the world in the USA".
Fight of superheavyweight cadets in Tallinn destroyed a stereotype saying about a skuchnost and slackness of competitions of those who more than 90 kg. Two Russian judoists – Ruslan ShAHBAZOV and Tamerlan BAShAEV became the real stars which have presented the whole scattering magnificent, amplitude and being remembered ippony, in Estonia. The first - Shakhbazov, last year remained with silver in the Bar and in this season was the second EJU in the rating-list. Another – Bashayev, rushed into Russian national team, having won a bright victory on the Russian Superiority in Volgograd, and then strengthened a position of the leader of a rating thanks to gold of the Cup of Europe in Germany and to silver of tournaments in Turkey and Poland. Two leaders as a result met in a final duel and the victory was won here by more skilled Shakhbazov who has added in the collection the first gold.
"The final duel with Tamerlan was the most difficult today for me, - Ruslan admitted. – He is my team mate and I very much am grateful to it for fine fight. I can't tell that helped me to win today, good luck can be simple it appeared on my party".
"It is always mentally more difficult to struggle with the team mate, - Bashayev told. – After all we together train on collecting, together we prepare, well we know each other. Ruslan - my friend and therefore it is very difficult to stop thinking about it and to see in it only the rival when we fight on competitions on one tatami. This my the first in career of Superiority of Europe and for the first time I am happy with the performance".
Both the Russian judoists acting today in personal collections had awards of last year's Superiority. Ekaterina TOKAREV (70) in 2012 I became the vice-champion, and Christina USOVA (+70) – was the bronze prize-winner. This time both of them appeared at the third step of a pedestal, having annoyingly lost in semi-finals: to Frenchwoman Gaye and Pole Pasternak respectively. But in fights for bronze our girls had worthy victories. Tokarev the rigid painful I won against the Serbian Tintor, and Usova in 23 seconds prior to a final siren could recoup and get the best ippony of Turkish woman Akbulut.
Six medals won on Sunday allowed the Russian national team to outstrip again all persecutors in a team competition and with nine medals in the sum to head the final protocol, having left on the second position of French (3-1-0) and Azerbaijanians (2-2-2).
This year athletes, whose age doesn't exceed 18 years, participation even in two important starts waits: The European junior Olympic festival in Holland (Utrecht, on July 13-20) and Superiority of the world in the USA (Miami, on August 8-11).
Marina Mayorova, FDR