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Judoists Three-mountain carried out training, having arranged a haymaking

Saturday, 22 June 2013, 12:19
Judoists Three-mountain carried out training, having arranged a haymaking

Veterans of judo orderly came to a lawn at a city recreation center and in some hours mowed clean all grass.

Masterly bossing braids, men improved a lawn, showing to the eloquent example as it is necessary to take the initiative when it is a question of shape of the hometown. Didn't forget and about the power receptions, after all they cut off all grass sharp as the razor braids, in advance having refused lawn-mowers. Such exercises swing трицепсы, bicepses, back and stomach muscles, and at the same time and train will, after all work under the scorching sun strengthens a body, improves spirit. All mowers as one veterans of judo. Someone already came for the deserved rest, and someone is engaged with youth.
- The passersby, clear business, recognized us and were curious: "And what it you, judoists and deputies, here do? Action, perhaps, what? ", - one of participants of a mowing shares in the blog. - We told to the most trustful citizens that the school of the Olympic reserve is going to get cows and to provide all the year round the pupils with pair milk. Here for this reason in free time from work the trainer's teaching staff cares of "food supply" for cattle! Many trusted!
The action they anything wanted to prove to nobody, and simply decided to mow grass thickets in the downtown. According to judoists, the mowed grass would suffice for all winter for moderately gluttonous Burenka.


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