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Sports lesson in a museum

Thursday, 20 June 2013, 10:39
Sports lesson in a museum

On June 14 in Maikop in the North Caucasian branch of the State museum of Arts of the people of the East the presentation of the new project "The Russian museum took place: the virtual branch" in which students of Institute of physical culture and AGU judo became the principal participants and to the audience.

And it isn't accidental. After all a subject of exposure of the virtual museum – "Sports in the Russian fine arts", and among nearly 300 cloths operations of our outstanding fellow countryman – artist Vitaly Fomich Barkin who devoted to a sports subject many remarkable operations were provided.
 The artist in June marks the 75 anniversary, and more than forty years he with inspiration makes portrait gallery of heroes of sports of Adygea. So, repeatedly won prizes of various exhibitions and a biennial portraits of Olympic champion Sergey Alifirenko, the 11-fold world champion in Murat Chasanoff's sambo. The artist the strong friendship with the founder of Maikop school to the judo which are given by trainer Jakub Koblev connected. V. Barkin's two operations – "Training" and "Bislan Mudranov's Portrait" were included into exposure of the All-Russian exhibition of the fine arts devoted to University games-2013 in Kazan and the Olympic Games-2014 in Sochi.
 For the Russian museum is a unique case when the agreement on exposure not with a museum was concluded, and personally with the artist, so struck members of the selection commission of operation of V. Barkin, devoted to athletes of Adygea. 
At opening of the virtual exposure the director of the North Caucasian branch of the State museum of arts of the people of the East Nafiset Kushu appeared, and to portraits of outstanding fighters the repeated world champion, the deserved master of sports Aramby Hapay gave comments.
As the deputy director of Institute of physical culture and judo for educational operation Victoria Shram reported, the involvement of students in such actions not simply expands the horizons of knowledge of future trainers and teachers, but also visually shows strength of mind and human beauty of great athletes that is very important for formation of future experts.


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