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Results of the championship on judo

Saturday, 08 June 2013, 08:32
Results of the championship on judo

Results of the championship on judo among the staff of security service and a law and order of Perm Krai

On June 6 in a hall of the sports society "Dynamo" passed judo competitions among collectives of physical culture of safety and a law and order of Perm Krai, the creations of the All-Russian sports and sports society "Dynamo" devoted to the 90 anniversary in which 70 people took part. 13 teams participated in competitions: representatives of GU of Emercom of Russia across Perm Krai, GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia across Perm Krai, a security guard and patrol service, the shelf of traffic police of traffic police, a battalion of protection and a convoy of suspected UMVD across Perm, Managements of FSB, FSKN, GUFSIN, the Perm customs, bailiffs, rescuers and representatives of the Perm military of institute of internal troops and institute of FSIN of Russia.
Before to get on competitions athletes passed – wearisome trainings, selection rounds. Participants were divided into some weight categories – 60 kg, 66 kg, 73 kg, 81 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg and over 100 kg.
Into combined GU of Emercom of Russia across Perm Krai entered six strongest judoists employees and the workers, having categories by this look to sports.
Topalo Edward's performance ended with a triumphal victory. In category of 66 kg I won the first place.
Gripping show expected guests in duels in which the Berezniki lieutenant of internal service Malinovsky Evgeny acted. Due to traumatized in semifinal fight it was removed by the doctor from a final duel. Therefore took the second place in weight category to 100 kg.
Two brothers representatives of GU of Emercom of Russia across Perm Krai of Tarasova Sergey and Vasily won the 4th places in the weight categories 73 and 81 of kg.
The national team of Head department of Emercom of Russia across Perm Krai took the third place in absolute superiority among 13 teams and the second place in the second group. In absolute superiority the GU Ministry of Internal Affairs team of Russia across Perm Krai became first.


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