On June 6, deputies of the Ternopol city council made the decision on granting the room of the considerable area of the regional organization of judo of Ukraine, the correspondent "Number one" reports.
- To provide in free use a non-residential premise of municipal establishment of the Ternopol city council "Complex child junior sports school No. 2" to the address: Kn. St. of the Ostrozhsky, 16 Ternopol regional organizations of All-Ukrainian public organization "Federation of Judo of Ukraine" with a total area of 241,23 sq.m under a hall of occupations by oriental martial arts (judo) for a period of one year, - was noted at sessional meeting by the chief управлння science and education of the Ternopol city council Olga Pokhilyak.
Explaining, the madam Pokhilyak noted, the hall of dry swimming given to a tenancy on the third floor of child junior school which now is in not dowry for sports activities a condition. The tenant has to enclose considerable means for for his reduction to an acceptable condition. At present, депупаты made the decision to provide this room in rent only for one year, but as chairman Sergey Nadal in case investments into a hall are essential noted миськйы, deputies will coordinate increase in term rent for bigger term, we will tell for 3 years.