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The VII traditional regional tournament on judo wrestling

Wednesday, 29 May 2013, 10:40
The VII traditional regional tournament on judo wrestling
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In Kuibyshev passed the VII traditional regional tournament on the judo wrestling, devoted to memory of trainer Vasily Vladimirovich Skorbov. To a tatami came about hundred wrestlers representing clubs of Novosibirsk and Omsk areas.

From year to year new athletes participate in tournament, unfortunately, now there couldn't arrive guests from Kazakhstan. Though the geography of competitions decreases a little, the number of the wrestlers showing the skill on a tatami, steadily grows.

Vladimir Horyakov,
chief judge of competitions:
This tournament, as well as possible fits into a framework of Kuibyshev. Always passes at good level and collects both athletes, and fans.

Feature of these competitions that they are carried out to memory of the person who has much given to development of Kuibyshev sports. Vasily Skorbov who was born and grew in Kuibyshev, there began trainer's career in Embankments Chalnakh then returned to the hometown where the first steps in development were taken by judo wrestling.

Mikhail Gorgol,
founder of judo:
The judo office at Kuibyshev sports school opened in 1985, at plant of ferroconcrete products. We had a big hall, there and young perspective trainer Vasily Skorbov started working. Exactly from there steps of development of wrestling began, the first champions were brought up. Pleasantly, as today our young men and girls with pride bear a name of Kuibyshev on regional, Russian and international scenes.

Constant guests of tournament memorial our neighbors from Omsk. These days for a palm in a hall it is sports an improving complex the athletes of the Vityaz club who have arrived to Kuibyshev to honor memory of the trainer fought.

Sergey Salnikov,
representative of the board of trustees of Omsk club "Vityaz":
It was possible to find the mass of the reasons, but Kuibyshev administrations of the area and the city steadily find opportunities to allow athletes to meet, communicate, remember a name of the trainer who has made for Kuibyshev many. In due time we together with Vasily Vladimirovich put a lot of effort for development of wrestling of judo in the small cities. Such tournaments has to be more, they have to be carried out more often. Sports force children to think, analyze, instantly to make decisions. I am sure that children who come today to a tatami, will surely protect honor of the area, the country at the international level because they are brought up on such examples as trainer Vasily Skorbov.

On solemn parade of opening of tournament of participants and organizers Nadezhda Ivanovna Skorbova greeted, spouse Vasily Vladimirovich. She thanked all for preservation of memory of this person.


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