The XV regional tournament on judo of memory of Vasily Kharin took place to Cheremkhovo
On Sunday, May 26, in FOKE "Hramtsovsky" I passed the XV anniversary regional tournament on judo of memory of Vasily Kharin among teenagers 1999-2001. Competitions brought together 112 athletes from Irkutsk, Angarsk, Shelekhov, Usolye-Siberian, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk and Cheremkhovo.
– You are engaged in surprisingly beautiful, courageous sport. Judo in Russia today on lifting. Successful speech of our athletes on the London Olympic Games installs unconditional incentive in development of this sport. Good luck to you, wellbeing. Let will win against the strongest! – mayor Vadim Semenov aimed athletes, opening tournament.
Following the results of competitions cheremkhovsky athletes took 5 first places from 9. In weight category to 30 kg Ilya Subbotin, won category to 33 kg – Evgeny Borschev. Simeon Kurtashev, to 50 kg – Daniel Kurtashev, to 60 – Dmitry Kushnarev became the leader in group to 46 kg