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On a tatami — time of changes

Tuesday, 28 May 2013, 11:05
On a tatami — time of changes

The Latvian judo has not late times. Difficult because after election of the new president, and this post was held not so long ago by Raymond Rublovskis, and the updated board of federation, work is under construction on the new principles. And time so — that various friction, that is the working moments are inevitable. However, the main direction remains the same.

What it is concrete? It first of all fruitful work in clubs and the closest attention to all national teams of Latvia.

Budapest, Borodavko's "bronze" and records

That results of the Latvian masters of this wrestling top — undoubtedly. On the last Olympic Games in London our country was represented by two — Konstantin Ovchinnikov and Evgeny Borodavko. Though, actually, Latvia obtained three Olympic licenses. But for the known reasons on Games-2012 there couldn't go Vladimir Osnach.

After Olympic Games there came a pause, and then and the first large competitions of 2013 — the European championship. The European superiority in Budapest became special for our team. Not only that the Wart in weight category to 100 kg I took "bronze", for the first time in the history of this tournament our country could expose the whole team. And let the Latvian wrestlers conceded in the first meeting хоязевам to a tatami — the 2:3, first similar check of forces didn't disappoint. At the end of August in Rio de Janeiro the World Cup will take place. To all appearances at least five wrestlers will depart to South America.

Today judo in Latvia — is 26 clubs over all country and more than 3000 wrestlers.

Our person in Europe — Yatskevich

Until recently Alexander Yatskevich — the most authoritative in the sports world the expert, held a post of the vice-president of the Latvian federation of judo, worked in Lido club. Today the prize-winner of the Moscow Olympic Games constantly in traveling, him not to find the house. And all because for quite some time now it holds a high position of the sports director of EJU (The European union of judo).

"Under my responsibility — all events which are held by the union in the Old World. And their about two hundred in a year. These are the championships of the continent of all age, carrying out educational and training collecting, various seminars. And still I supervise the Olympic Traning Center program. The program extensive, directed on improvements of quality of judo in Europe, its budget — 200 000 euros. It was created in 2010. And already there are first results. For the first time on Olympic Games the European judoists gave nobody a palm" — Alexander Yatskevich who can safely brag of that to him no one from Latvia didn't hold so high post tells, being a part of executive committee EJU.

It should be added that the president of EJU is Sergey Soloveychik (Russia). And on a post of the sports director Yatskevich is chosen for four-year term. Remains hopes, as Latvia will manage to receive benefit from work of the delegate in Vienna where EJU office settles down.

Kamenetsky about judges and prospects

Judo — the subjective sport, and therefore a role of judges in it plays an essential role. Itself repeatedly became the witness of how at the most important competitions of the judge the Latvian judoists treated, alas, ugly. Well there are no arbitrators at us. From here and problems. And after all there were times when Latvia could brag at once of four judges of the international category one of which was nowadays the deputy of the Riga thought Mikhail Kamenetsky (on a photo at the left).

"That in Latvia judges — a big mistake aren't trained. Let's remember times of the USSR. Yes, we had quite good wrestlers, but also there were highly skilled judges — this is Filimonov, Tokmakov, Rudzitis, your obedient servant. I agree to come to it, it was necessary to carry out huge work. But now such we don't observe. Unfortunately — Mikhail Kamenetsky opens one of problems. — Believe when we will have the judge, and to judoists from Latvia the relation will exchange".

What prospects of judo? The judge of the international category has the view of things: "If we in the country had everything as in judo, about bigger and it isn't necessary to dream. People are busy. The main goal remains former — the Olympic medal. And I am sure that it is a question of the near future. It not utopia. Wants to wish only that statesmen faced sports, and that our government macroeconomic indicators more and more worry. And after all first of all it is necessary to think of that people didn't leave the country, it is necessary to show them that of them care that them don't throw".

By the way, one of such ways — carrying out various tournaments, and, first of all, for young men. "The traditional Cup of the Riga free port — is tournament which brings together about two hundred young judoists. And I, as one of his curators, наставиваю that his carrying out isn't an inappropriate expenditure of means. We will be and to hold from now on such competitions because they are very important. We will protect this tournament" — Mikhail Kamenetsky concluded.


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