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The Odessa judoist became the champion of Spain

Thursday, 25 April 2013, 09:37
The Odessa judoist became the champion of Spain
фото http://odessa-life.od.ua/

Inhabitant of Odessa Dmitry Atanov acting in weight category to 60 kg became Champion Ispanii in junior club league on judo. Together with it three more inhabitants of Kiev won.

Participation of legionaries from other countries at club level in the championships on different types of sports meets even more often. It concerns not only soccer, but also volleyball, basketball, chess, handball, other types, including and judo.
D. Aganov and his compatriots play for the Spanish club "Zhiron". At the last stage of the championship which passed in Madrid, Dmitry four times came to a tatami and won all fights. Thanks to the help of Ukrainians of "Zhiron" won all 14 command matches and for the first time in history  became the champion of Spain.


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