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On the eve of the championship of Europe - 2013

Wednesday, 24 April 2013, 10:07
On the eve of the  championship of Europe - 2013

On Saturday April 21 in the Temple of All Sacred and innocently murdered in Minsk took place the solemn public prayer concerning departure of the National team of Republic of Belarus on judo on the European championship which will take place during the period from April 25 to April 28, 2013 to Budapest, Hungary .

The public prayer was carried out by the prior of the temple Archpriest Feodor Povny. National teams of Republic of Belarus took part in process on judo, sambo, representatives from wrestling, the Chairman of the Belarusian federation of judo and sambo Yaprintsev V. G., his deputies, Head coaches of national teams Ramazanov M.K., Cat of B.C., Heads of the Belarusian federation of fight, director of RTsOP of single combats Baraulya A.I.

After carrying out church service and a wish to athletes of successes in the forthcoming European championship the prior of the temple Archpriest Feodor Povny handed over the Award of prelate Kirill Turovsky to the 1st stepenipredsedatel of the Belarusian federation of judo and sambo to Yaprintsev Vladimir Gennadiyevich for a feasible contribution to business of development of orthodox church

On April 22 in OSK Stayki meeting of the National team of Republic of Belarus on judo together with trainer's council and heads of the Belarusian federation of judo and RTsOPE before departure of team for the forthcoming European championship took place.

Present warmly congratulated Tutkhalyan G.G. on last 50-year anniversary.

Then took place the concert of the actor and the singer, the big fan of judo Anatoly Dlusskogo


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