In heart of Kyrgyzstan at the height more than 2200-2600 meters between two ridges the valley known in the history of the Kyrgyz people Suusamyr is located. It is known that here the excellent nature with clean air, never happens hot, the valley is located on a way from the capital of the republic of the city of Bishkek in the southern areas – Jalal-Abadsky, Osh and Batkensky
Besides, this valley is well-known for the athletes and athletes which force was influenced probably by the local nature which hasn't been touched by "benefits" of a civilization. Kozhomkul Kaba uulu was one of such known on all Kyrgyz and Kazakh people. According to different data he was born in 1888-1889 and lived to 67-year age, its growth reached 2 meters 30 centimeters, and weight to 165 kilograms.

Baatyr Kaba uulu Kozhomkul
Now through the pass there is a beautiful highway, the tunnel at the height of 3200 m is punched — to get to the Susamyrsky valley from Bishkek — not a problem, and it is a pleasure, rather. But then, quarter of the century back, was only a track through the pass. The traveler was found by a blizzard, avalanches, rockfalls...
This pack track and dangerous was difficult. Kozhomkul to himself home, came back to Susamyr once. At the pass such blizzard collapsed, tumbled down such snow that the horse became. Not to spend the night here in such damned weather!
Kozhomkul charged with a horse himself, transferred her through the zametelenny pass, and then got up on her and, indifferently, went down in the Susamyrsky valley. I drove up to the yurta, I tied a horse and quietly I sat down to drink tea...
Speak, there are eyewitnesses of it "transition through Tyuya-Asha" — people the eyes saw all this. But as though it was — people to words both trust and don't trust. Lived batyrs on the Kyrgyz earth much, about them there were only legends. And here after Kozhomkul there was that it is possible to see own eyes.

For the settlement, there is small gravestone to the stroyenyitsa, called "Mazary Kozhomkula". Mazar as mazar, only the stone near it — from half-ton is powerful. Kozhomkul dragged it here, and мазар it helped to build this — the relative its any died.
Molded this мазар from clay and suddenly (it is visible, something didn't calculate) svezhevylozhenny walls of a gravestone monument began to be filled up. Mazar constructed, people left from there, and on an internal wall мазара there were traces — dents from Kozhomkul's powerful palms. Something big, the velikanye always strikes imagination of the person, and he wants to stand on tiptoe — to reach, compare with a giant. At least to be convinced — "in how many time is less..."

Here therefore people to mazar with prints of powerful palms last — put to them the... Also are surprised, clink languages. Also try a stone that stands near mazar, at least from a place to shift. It is impossible.
And again are surprised and clink languages. Though, frankly speaking, all this the purest water hooliganism — to come in mazar, to try on palms, to try "on weight" a stone. And all this because, what is checked by people — "so" it was or "not so"? . And nevertheless — was. After all not for nothing in Bishkek all-comers competitions of fighters on "Kozhomkul's prize" are regularly held.

As one of locals and the descendant of the batyr Zhumakadyr Zhekshembiyev, in twelve years told to the correspondent, called by present generation Kozhomkul ata / grandfather Kozhomkul/, gained popularity of the athlete in nearby areas. "In 12 years it took part for the first time in the first large-scale power competitions which took place in the neighboring Toktogulsky area and included fight on belts, colliding of the rival from a saddle, a raising of heavy stones.
Anybody with an accuracy won't tell now, how many wrestling duels Kozhomkul carried out. But one is known: by the end of the 20th years to it wasn't equal in all Kyrgyzstan. One of duels — with Kazakhstan baatyry Choloky Balban — costs in a special row. About this duel it is written much. Kyrgyzstanets won against Cholok of Balban on the 23rd minute of fight. But very few people know that at first Kozhomkul didn't want to come to a meeting with the rival. No, he never was afraid. Simply by then Kozhomkul already held a position of the chairman of volost council and, being by nature the person disciplined, thought, what not to the person to it already to come to public, to undress before it on a belt, to arrange merrymakings. But Kozhomkul was convinced by higher companions. Spoke about need to stand for honor of the republic. And Kozhomkul accepted Balban's proposal.

First chairman
Kozhomkul with pleasure met the Soviet power. It fairly was worn out, working on fights and манапов. The athlete wasn't afraid of work, but jeers мироедов hated. 20 years Kozhomkul was the chairman of collective farm in the Suusamyrsky valley. People reached for it, willingly obeyed though he never raised the voice on people. Over time I became the strong business executive.
In dashing 1937 got also to it. To Enkavedeshniki forced Kozhomkul to write a denunciation of the chairman of the next collective farm. Naturally, баатыр refused, for as itself soon I got into prison. About a year Kozhomkul stayed in dzhumgalsky prison, and there to his words listened not only prisoners, but also security guards. After an exit to freedom Kozhomkul didn't become embittered, didn't cease to trust the Soviet power, than deserved still bigger respect at fellows villager.
In the years of war he became the real savior for fellow countrymen. Kozhomkul was the excellent hunter, and nearly an every day his faithful wife Akmaday cooked from a game food for the poorest suusamyrets. And Kozhomkul named our relative who born on the eve of the Victory Tynchtykbek. This name means "world", "tranquillity".

The love of suusamyrets to Kozhomkul really knew no limit.
Kozhomkul was not simply an athlete, but also the loved people the person. And to it confirmation, that in the form of several tens sheep and to steam of horses it distributed the prize won then to poor people though and his brother Mokotay, too the athlete, were orphans. His parents died early. As locals tell, Kozhomkul's ancestors on the seventh generation too were batyrs and athletes. Kab's his father, speak, somehow time shifted a foot a stone weighing 1 ton of 274 kilograms. And mother Almaday often took part in competitions on "Ayr sayush" / analog of the European knightly tournaments / that was a rarity, but not shame for women.
Unfortunately, Kozhomkul's descendants didn't become such athletes as he as his spouse was the fragile and graceful woman, and the second didn't want to marry – he couldn't betray the first and only love

Especially he loved children, it is unimportant — or others. In the village I knew all boys and little girls. And those who studied well at school, I forced to enter the institute. During lifetime of Kozhomkul in айыл teachers, natives of these places began to come.
Unfortunately, Kozhomkul was the semiliterate person. However, he was able to read and write, but make competently official paper couldn't. Once to it there was a comic case: it lost an official stamp. But natural sharpness quickly came to the rescue of the hero. On any statement instead of a stamp it left a trace from a thumb. In a district committee at once understood: it is Kozhomkul's finger. Also accepted the statement without any objections.
In Kozhomkul's native village there is a small museum where it is possible to see photos, clothes of the batyr. In a dressing gown of the batyr three persons can quietly be located. Huge boulders which the athlete lifted are right there stored. The weight of smallest of them makes 620 kilograms. Near the native village called in his honor, journalists saw a huge stone weighing more than 600 kilograms which Kozhomkul in 1924 lifted and Chargynbek set up on a grave of one of local heads by the name of Tyyta uulu. Near a stone there is a mausoleum to this official. It reminds a yurta, and it is built from wood and clay. In the mausoleum on clay Kozhomkul left four prints of the huge hands. But, unfortunately, from these prints only one here remained, one more is stored in a museum. As the suusamyrets tell, two prints dropped out and broke in 1992 when Suusamyr became epicenter of a strong earthquake measuring 12 points.

Reference: Physical data of the athlete
Growth — 197 (according to other data - 230) centimeters.
Weight — 164 (according to other data - 203) kilogram.
The footwear size — 52.
Hand length — 26 centimeters.
Thumb width — 4 centimeters.