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To the glorified Salman Hasimikov - 60 years

Tuesday, 09 April 2013, 15:31
To the glorified Salman Hasimikov - 60 years
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The most expensive at the person — is life. "It is given it once, and it is necessary to live it so that it wasn't painfully sick for aimlessly lived years", - P. Korchagin's words from the novel "As Steel Became Tempered" of N. Ostrovsky.

As the national saying says, the man has to plant a tree, build the house and grow up the son. The 60-year anniversary which has noted the other day, glorified Chechen athlete Salman Hasimikov achieved big successes in life of which can be proud not only the Chechen people, but all country as a whole which it represented on various sports podiums of the world.

He to the first of Vainakhs became the numerous world champion and Europe. It the first and only world champion in the Soviet Union on professional Japanese wrestling ketch in heavy weight category. Probably, it is difficult to find among fans of wrestling in the former Soviet Union highly esteemed, popularity and appreciation, than

Salman Hasimikov.
One of chapters of the book "You Come to a Carpet", which author - outstanding Russian wrestler wrestler Ivan Yarygin, the double Olympic champion, the world champion, the triple champion of Europe, the fivefold owner of the World Cup is devoted to the known Chechen wrestler of freestyle Salman Hasimikov. This book - not only the biography of the well-known champion, but also reminiscence of people of wrestling, of those who on a look, whose names very famous. In the book Ivan Yarygin devoted a lot of place to the Chechen wrestlers whom he well knew, with many of which was on friendly terms. Among them and Salman Hasimikov.
Telling about this athlete, Ivan Yarygin sought to open his character. And the first that he noted, is that Salman Hasimikov was remembered to it by the person hazardous, impudent, desperate.
And still Salman considers that the service in army became the main school which has cultivated in it self-control, ability not to splash out emotion, to be disciplined, for it. In Moscow where he moved after the termination of the Checheno-Ingush university, Thomas Barba, the deserved trainer of the USSR working in Armed forces became his trainer. Today Salman Hasimikov carries nominal hours which he received from the Minister of Defence to number of the most valuable awards. "For successes in sports! " - it is written on hours. But about himself the fighter adds also "For high discipline!"
Ivan Yarygin notes: "Dense, thick, with absolutely small growth for the heavyweight - 180 centimeters, with a weight - 120 kilograms. Salman of all strikes with unusual mobility, really boxing sharpness. On a crossbeam 27 times are tightened. For all years of the performances on a carpet he lost to the foreign rival only one meeting in the European championship of 1980. The quadruple world champion, double - Europe, the owner of the World Cup, Salman Hasimikov sometimes sadly sighs, calling itself unlucky. On two Olympic Games he could fight, but didn't act on one - on the eve of Olympic Games there were fractures of the leg".
Salman Hasimikov - ZMS on free-style wrestling, the numerous world champion and Europe, the double owner of the World Cup, the triple winner of the Tbilisi international tournament which was called as "the small World Cup" and other international tournaments.
Shukran Yakumova


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