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Yokodzuna Harumafudzi won the Cup of the Emperor

Sunday, 24 November 2013, 12:26
Yokodzuna Harumafudzi won the Cup of the Emperor

Yokodzuna Harumafudzi won the Cup of the Emperor in the International downtown Fukuoka, having overcome great champion Hakukho in the last day Kyusyu basyo.

Having stepped forward the right foot at the time of simultaneous starting breakthrough (tati-ah), the Solar horse twirled to the left and captured mavasi the Belovyy phoenix over the right hand. Having developed lightning attack, Harumafudzi rejected the opponent to a straw fringing.

Hakukho, crossing on the right foot, I kicked up dust directly before the chairman of a judiciary board. Oyakata Kagamiyam recorded a spade and, having raised a hand, gave a signal to a duel stop. Tate-gyodzi (the arbitrator of the highest category) Kimura Syonosuke Tridtsat sedmoy began to separate great champions when Harumafudzi conducted a repeated power stamping.

Interview near дохё during an awards ceremony of Harumafudzi admitted that he didn't feel a hand gyodzi and was extremely surprised when Hakukho suddenly stopped resistance.

"I even had doubts: whether I took up at some instant for goods? " - the Solar horse under laughter of the auditorium admitted.

Ozeki Kisenosato won today ozekiagainst Kakuryu. In a left-side rack to a hidari-yoyets the Crane Dragon managed to hook mavasi on the opponent the right brush, and the Rare talent couldn't reach a belt of Kakuryu. But Kisenosato broke off MiG-uvate of the rival and carried out yorikiri.

Sekivake Totiodzan in a back pushed out for goods sekivake Goeydo.

The fifth maegasir Aoiyam's East brought quantity of the victories to ten, having discouraged by pushes and having forced out then from a circle komusubi Okinoumi.

Gagamara the seventh black sphere received. The first maegasir Vostoka Myogiryu on one breath dared with dohe 203-kilogram Taimuraz Dzhugeli.

Osunaarasi it was fixed in the highest division makuuti, however I finished tournament with prevalence of defeats (makekosi). Today the Big sandy storm I forced out for a straw fringing of Kaysey. Having answered a starting slap in the face (harite) to the Brazilian giant, 21-year-old Egyptian Abdelrakhman Shaalan was displaced to the left and captured mavasi the rival over the right hand. But Ricardo Sugano managed to receive reciprocal hidari-uvate.

The sixth maegasir Vostoka Tiyotayryu and the sixth maegasir the West Ikioy, collected in the tournament moneyboxes on eleven white spheres, are marked out by prestigious incentive awards.

Tiyootor it is awarded ginosefor technical offensive sumo.

The Ikiy deserved kantose.

21-year-old Tiyootori won tournament in the second division dzyure, having overcome Terunofudzi. The big phoenix of school of Kokonoe suffered only two defeats in fifteen days.

Victories achieved in sensyuraku(the last day basyo) Takanoyama and Kazafudzan.

The weighing less than a centner Pavel Boyar, having earned the fourth white sphere,

returns itself a registration in dzyure and the elite status сэкитори.

Suyunysh Hudibayev won six of seven duels.

Today it was carried out kettey-sen (a superfinal duel) in the fourth league (sandamme). Having experience of performances in makuutiHotiyama got the best over 160-centimetric Barracks.

Denis Isayev


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