Hapsagay is a national wrestling in Yakutia. History of its creation and development rather ancient
Earlier, during an era of wars, boys in three years started training to shoot from onions, it was able to use a sword and a spear, and also to wrestling and go astride a horse. To the he had to perfectly know a vosemnadtsatiletiya already all received skills. One of tests was that it was attacked by the soldier with a knife on a long stick and the guy had to evade from his blows, thus having never wounded.
The child who had to become the real soldier, learned to be dexterous and nimble. It did as follows: into the naked boy threw burning coals and when he became more senior, at first shot on him arrows from a tree to which needles, and then and the real arrows were attached. If the young man passed all tests, he was considered as the real athlete and only after that it started training hapsagay.
If to translate hapsagay into Russian, it means approximately the following: dexterity, force, endurance, speed. Usually this wrestling was carried out on a glade. Audience took a big detour. The most honourable inhabitant was appointed the judge and it is independent, alone estimated the wrestling ending. In olden days wrestlers fought, having undressed on a belt, with bare feet and without seeing each other before the wrestling. Them brought from чумов, covered by covers out of skin. And when wrestlers became opposite to each other in a circle, from them removed covers, and wrestling began. In this type of wrestling then didn't appoint categories. Winners became national heroes and heroes of songs.
To this day in Yakutia hapsagay it is considered the best educational tool of children. If to the young man allowed to participate in competition on hapsagay, it testified to its maturity. Passed competitions and among women who also were allowed to be trained in this type of wrestling.
Today many rules changed. Wrestlers compete dressed in body stockings and put in special boots for wrestling. In hapsagaythere are six weight categories. During wrestling it is possible to do captures of any part of a body, except fingers standing and hands. Wrestling without interruption lasts no more than ten minutes. Generally wrestlers use such receptions, as: various throws, including through a back, cuttings, passes to feet, but without flights and falling, use is considered them loss. If the wrestler possesses these receptions in perfection, it speaks about its tenacity, dexterity, speed, a molniyenosnost.
Rules of this wrestling simple, but rather strict. The written-down accurate methods on training hapsagay aren't present, they aren't developed. This type of wrestling develops constantly and improved. Hapsagay it is similar to free-style wrestling on the applied, allowed receptions. This wrestling learns to be dexterous, bright, fast, hardy and does stronger, both spiritually, and morally. To start being engaged hapsagay it is recommended since the early childhood. Among known wrestlers is: Zakharov, Grigoriev, Rumyantsev, Gavrilov, Danilov and many others.