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Victory of the Turkmen wrestlers

Monday, 18 November 2013, 10:31
Victory of the Turkmen wrestlers

If on space of the CIS didn't get used yet to victories of the Turkmen wrestlers on belts, for the population of Turkmenistan it not in wonder

Wrestling "Goresh" (it is so named in Turkmen) traditionally national sport without which different celebrations and national holidays since ancient times don't do. On such actions paluans (so name wrestlers) winners get the most valuable prizes and gifts. They are dear and esteemed people, everyone aims to invite to the of that (holiday) eminent, known wrestler.
On former Soviet Union open spaces this sport started being popular only with the advent of the new independent states. And still the bigger push to world recognition of this sport was given by creation of the international federation and carrying out competitions at the highest level.
On recently passed University games in Kazan all began to speak with surprise unexpectedly about sensational victories and a gain Turkmen wrestlers gold medals. Many with delight responded about rising in honor of a victory of the Turkmen athletes a national flag and the sounding anthem of the country. For other experts and fans of this sport stunning performance of the Turkmen wrestlers became opening though in the republic these achievements perceived as due with customary restraint. But it doesn't mean at all that there was no pleasure and pride of triumphal performance of the fellow countrymen. And as usual valuable prizes and gifts were handed over to athletes, but this time they received from hands of the president of Turkmenistan.
And here new successes, and new victories of the Turkmen wrestlers. On just ended junior superiority of the world on wrestling on belts in Karachay-Cherkessia the Russian Federation where the superiority was disputed by athletes from 14 countries the Turkmen athletes was won by three gold, two silver and four bronze medals.
And in the adult World Cup also just completed in the city of Salavat of Bashkortostan of the Russian Federation the Turkmen wrestlers won gold, five silver and four bronze medals. The champion in freestyle in the weight 100 kg. there was Vep Orazmyradov a student of military institute. To the Turkmen wrestlers in the World Cup practically wasn't equal.


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