Revival of the Tatar national wrestling from dream turns into reality. The Gorodishchensky area - in vanguard of this process.
On November 7 in the biggest Tatar village of Europe Average Elyuzan (fortunately, taken roots in the territory of our Penza region, it is pleasant to be the champion! ) passed Open Championship in fight on belts "Tatarcha Buddy". Competitions were organized on a joint initiative of Administrations of the Gorodishchensky area and the Sredneelyuzansky Village Council. Heads of administrations Gennady Alekseevich Berezin and Batkayev Safiya Munirovna by right can be considered as parents of this child.
In organizing committee appeared not indifferent, for soul gathered people, whose motto: discuss, solve and make! By the special order of the Tatar autonomy of the Penza region the uniform suits considering national features - green color, a belt for captures etc. were sewed. Also the prize fund was calculated and approved, memorable valuable presents are acquired, Diplomas and Letters of thanks are issued. From the Tatar autonomy there was a delegation led by the vice-chairman of executive committee of the Tatar Autonomy of the Penza region, the president of Federation on fight on Koresh belts Kuryaev Zyakizhan Kayumovich.
Teams participated in Superiority from Gorodishchensky and Issinsky areas, and also fighters from Penza and Kuznetsk. Age of participants 16 - 18лет. Preparation of team of a host laid down on shoulders of the director of DSYuSh of the Gorodishchensky region of Ivanov Alexander Yuryevich and the trainer of the same school Sharypov Albert Radzhevich.
They represented also a judiciary board.
In fights 26 winners were determined by eight weight categories.
Our sincere congratulations to all who rose by an honourable pedestal of Championship in fight "Koresh". Names of these fighters will decorate the sports page of 2013 in the newest Chronicle of Sursky edge. New victories and young followers to you, our prize-winners!
The athlete from Kuznetsk Bibarsov Ruslan was remembered by all present.
"Atlas" в112 kilogram with a height about two meters showed professional possession of receptions of fight and the uncontrollable will to win.
Audience took great pleasure from presence of mind of the real honest wrestling by the ancient, carefully kept rules. Dancing supports of girls in the Tatar national suits decorated action and gave to correctness to occurring events: guys showed the forces and dexterity, girls gradually admired them, got accustomed and secretly tried to be pleasant. Really, eternal laws of knightly philosophy have the right to revival.
"And the following step is a Superiority of area - Rakhmatullin Adelsha Shafigullovich, the guest of honor of competitions sounds general hope. "The organization and carrying out competitions we plan for December in the regional center and we invite to participation of team of all areas from places of compact accommodation of Tatars".
Results of the Gorodishchensky area opened Superiority on wrestling koresh
weight is 50 kg
1 place Ishkhanov Ashot Gorodishchensky area
2 place Chubanyuk Maxim Grodishchensky area
3 place Shefer Herman Gorodishchensky area
3 place Gasanov Azhdar Gorodishchensky area
weight is 55 kg
1 place Shakhnazaryan Eric Gorodishchensky area
2 place Yudin Maxim Kuznetsk
3 place Dulatov Yunes Gorodishchensky area
weight is 60 kg
1 place Karpov Evgeny Kuznetsk
2 place Maksimov Yaroslav Isinsky area
3 place Afonasyev Nikita Kuznetsk
weight is 65 kg
1 place Gafarov Rafik Penza
2 place Kozlov Anton Gorodishchensky area
3 place Penziakov Nikita Isinsky area
3 place Abuzyarov Damir Gorodishchensky area
weight is 70 kg
1 place Oganyan Narek Penza
2 place Kuskov Andrey Kuznetsk
3 place Oleg Gorodishchensky area
3 place Lapshin Evgeny Kuznetsk
weight is 75 kg
1 place Ilyichev Alexander Kuznetsk
2 place Veronyan Gnel Gorodishchensky area
weight is 80 kg
1 place Guliyev Mikhial Penza
2 place Kondratyev Maxim Kuznetsk
3 place Kerzhenov Camille Gorodishchensky area
weight is 90 kg
1 place Bibarsov Ruslan Kuznetsk
2 place Veronyan Garnik Gorodishchensky area
3 place Avdonin Roman Gorodishchensky area