At the fivefold world champion in wrestling on belts of Evgeny Stroganov was born the daughter
The birth of charming Elisaveta coincided with one more not less long-awaited event — Stroganov's married couple got own apartment. ELENA KUPRIKOVA communicated with happy parents.
Evgeny and Tatyana got acquainted 7 years ago. The winner of the competition "Beauty of Mordovia — 2004" was always surrounded by admirers. To the tall slender girl designated career in model business, but she preferred to a podium study at university. Evgeny long achieved reciprocity from the darling.
"My room reminded a greenhouse — everywhere there were vases with white roses — Tatyana remembers. — Eugene devoted all the victories to me. As a result heart trembled …" The Beloved constantly was in traveling — collecting, competitions, trainings. The girl had to wait for it for months. They checked feelings on durability four years. At last in July of the 2010th played a smart wedding. "I was very lucky with the spouse — Evgeny admits. — I am grateful to it for support and patience". For entire happiness lovers didn't have enough children. "I very much wanted that we gave birth to the daughter, same beautiful as Tanya" — speaks Evgenia. "That we will become parents, learned on Christmas week and madly were delighted! " — the spouse of the world champion remembers. To avoid excess excitements during pregnancy, Tatyana essentially didn't visit tournaments with participation of the spouse. "To look at how the husband carry the person on a carpet, above my forces — Tatyana speaks. — And Eugene diligently preserved me against problems, about competitions told …" a little
In the Republican perinatal center Tatyana gave birth to the daughter weighing 3 kilograms of 600 grams and 52 centimeters in height. It called in honor of sacred Elisaveta. In some days Evgeny took away the wife and the child home. "At me fossilated hands when the nurse handed over the daughter — Stroganov smiles. — Looking at how I rocked to sleep Elisa, the wife laughed. Speaks: "Why you shake it? She sleeps! " Here such I inexperienced daddy! " The daughter was similar to the mother, as well as the fivefold world champion dreamed. "Eugene — the remarkable father — speaks Tatyana. — Childbirth took place hard therefore the first some weeks I practically didn't get up. All cares of the child were assumed by the husband". The birth of the daughter coincided with housewarming. Stroganova at last got own apartment. For the baby equipped the cozy nursery. "Our daughter — the small princess — speaks Tatyana. — Relatives presented to it much all — beautiful dresses, toys. But the main gift was presented by the father... He became the fivefold world champion. New victory I devoted to Elisaveta". Evgeny Stroganov won all possible awards in the sport, but as the main achievement considers not champion titles, and a family...