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Tiyotayryu transferred operation

Thursday, 31 October 2013, 13:03
Tiyotayryu transferred operation

Preparation of several popular rikisi to the last classical tournament of the 2013th year was complicated by traumas and diseases.

The sixth maegasir of East Tiyotayryu transferred in the middle of October operation on glaucoma elimination. Bringing up the 24-year-old athlete oiakatа Kokonoe doesn't exclude that the Big dragon can pass Kyushu basyo.

The seventh didn't rise for training dohe after arrival in prefecture Fukuoka maegasir of West Endo. 23-year-old sumotori, debuting in September in the highest division makuuti, I overloaded the left ankle injured on Autumn tournament during an indicative series dzyunge. Only next week Endo plans to start sparrings.

The first maegasir of West Aminisiki as showed repeated inspection, damaged in penultimate day Like basyo not only a meniscus, but also a forward crucial ligament of a knee. the 35-year-old veteran will be restored, according to optimistic forecasts of doctors, by the beginning of January. However Aminisiki arrived to Kyushu and is going to participate in competitions. The matador is urged on on feats by the first daughter who born on last week.

Ozeki Kotosyogik all October suffered from radiculitis practically.

Denis Isayev


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